Redemption For Everyone (Evil Eclipse ~SaMs~)

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~Not-Romantic ~ Requested By: cringe_fizzy
(ECLIPSE & HIS DEATH?.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Eclipse was weak, he was out of breathe and he was in a large state of panic...he was scared...anyone who took a good look could see that he was scared, his tone, the way his body wasn't moving properly- he didn't have that confidence in his movements as usual but something in his tone gave out a tad bit of confidence...that he WOULD be spared....or maybe that was just him in high hopes playing it off to make himself feel better about his near death?.

Eclipse tried to walk towards Moon, but was heavily failing- he was stuck. For once he was stuck and didn't know what to do, and begging wasn't exactly in his nature....

Moon kept throwing threats at Eclipse, telling him how he couldn't wait for him to finally be gone forever and how stupid it was for anybody to believe him.

But you did...
You believed him, you'd noticed a slight change in him lately and the fact that Moon was being so harsh made you a little uncomfortable- everyone deserves a second chance and the poor guy looked pitiful!.

Walking over to Moon, you tried to talk him out of killing Eclipse but he just wouldn't listen, he pushed you off of him.
You fell back in shock, Moon quickly tried to apologize while not taking his eyes off of Eclipse...

You got up, glaring slightly at Moon, not that he was looking to notice.
Walking over to Eclipse, you politely gestured asking for permission to touch him.
(Okay, so I improvised a lot on this part.)
Eclipse nodded and you wrapped your arms around Eclipse, he held a hand to your waist, lowering himself and putting some slight pressure on your body, you let him rest against you...trying your best to hold what little he had put on you up....he needed some body support right now.

Moon yelled at you in anger.
"What are you doing?. He's about to get blown up!."
Moon sounded slightly worried anger overtook that.

You looked up at Eclipse, he looked somewhat...relieved?.

You turned to Moon.
"I'm not letting him die and if you want to kill him then your going to have to kill me too Moon...I can't just stand here and watch him die and I most certainly can't stand here and watch you kill somebody!."

Moon gave a low growl.
"But he deserves it!. After all that he has put us through...-
He growled again in annoyance.
"Why would you want to protect someone who hurts people!. Who hurts us?!?."

Your eyes widened slightly, feeling a tad bit guilty...Moon did have a point.....but you went back to your glared and concerned face, hugging Eclipse much tighter than before.
"Give him one last chance Moon....I'll keep an eye on him!. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you don't get hurt again!. You know I will!. Please, Moon!.-

Moons voice cracked, interrupting you.
"I don't want to take that chance of you getting hurt too!. Just let me blow him up already!."

You shook your head no and buried yourself into Eclipses chest.
"I'm sorry Eclipse..."
You said in almost a whisper.

Eclipse awkwardly moved the hand that wasn't on your waist and went to pat your head.
"It's least you tried, I...I...If I do make it out of this alive....I'll owe you one."
You softly smile at each other and the two of you looked over to Moon as he sighed a sigh of defeat.
Moon took down all the defense systems etc.
(I didn't know what to put for that.)
And walked over to you and Eclipse, pointing a finger in Eclipses face.
"If I found out you so much as just hurt (Y/n's) feelings I'm going to-

Eclipse weakly moved a hand, in a waving motion.
"I know, I'll kill me right?."
He asked with a light laugh.
You couldn't help but smile, even at death he was still- well still Eclipse.
Eclipse looked down at you, smiling.

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