In the Hospital

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What was that noise?

Beep Beep

Beep Beep

Hmm. It sped up.

A few seconds later it slowed down again.

I tried to turn my head. Was there someone talking?

I tried listening but couldn't make anything out. It just sounded like a dull static filled my ears under the steady rhythmic beeping noise.

Wake up, please.The words floated on the static as it flitted through my head.

But, I am awake. Aren't I?

I could see... Darkness.

Eyes open. The darkness continued.

Hmm, I guess I didn't open them.

Ok, try again.

Eyes, open.

The bottom of my vision was blurry. And it was bright.

Did I really want to open my eyes all of the way?

I cracked them open a bit more, slowly, so the light wouldn't be as bright. Then I blinked a few times to clear the blurriness out of my eyes. I squinted and looked around.

Where was I?

Window to the left side. Door across on my right. A counter at the opposite wall from me. Was I in a bed?

Who was the woman pacing at the end of the bed?

I watched as she got to one end and turned. Then to the other end and turn. Back and forth she walked.

I tilted my head. "Mavis?"

My voice barely came out of my throat. Which I now noticed was dry and scratchy.

She immediately turned at the sound, and I watched as her shoulders dropped slightly at the sight of me.

She came over to my left side and sighed. "Hey kiddo."

I tried to scoff at her nickname, but only a rush of air came out. "Yo... ot... older."

She patted my hand. "I know." She said quietly.

"What?" I tried to say the rest but it was the only word I could get out.

"Water?" Mavis asked.

I nodded my head. Then maybe I could get out more than one word without the burning feeling in my throat.

She walked down to the bottom of the bed and poured some water into a small cup. She brought it back to me and helped me take a sip. Then, she set it on the table next to the bed.


I nodded. "Much." It still came out garbled, but at least it didn't feel like my throat was getting cut up with every word.

She sat on the edge of the bed. "Where do you think you are?"

I shrugged. "Hospital?"

She nodded. "What do you remember?"

I sat for a minute, looking past her and out the window. "Plane. Paris?" I could feel my face scrunch up as pieces began falling back into place.

"Rena." Her name came out more as an exhale than an actual word.

Mavis nodded.

I groaned a bit and let my head lean all the way back against the pillow.

Mavis patted my hand. "You don't have to talk about her just yet. You take some time first."

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