Working a Half Day

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Driving back to the precinct the next morning was as equally quiet as it had been the day before. Only this time I wasn't anxious, I was tired. And not just a regular tired, I was fighting to stay awake, tired. I blinked several times, willing my eyes to wake up as I leaned against the window.

"Jisung said he would get coffee for you."

I turned to face Lee Know. "What?"

He just shook his head. "I told him how you fell face first into bed last night and slept in until you were almost late this morning. I was fully prepared to give him an earful for overworking you like that, but then he offered to grab coffee on the way in for you."

I nodded slowly. "That's nice of him."

Lee Know stopped at a light and hummed. "Indeed."

"Wait. Are you texting and driving?" My lids kept closing as I tried to glare at him and he just chuckled.

"No, I was talking to him earlier. It was while you were running around trying to get ready."

I rubbed my eyes and slapped my face a couple times, trying to wake myself up. "Why didn't you just tell Changbin? He is technically my quote unquote boss."

"I already had a text from Jisung, so I just told him. No doubt he informed Changbin. Also, I'm coming back just after lunch."


"Your surprise party. The one you aren't supposed to know about. Since you now know, you can help us set up."

I folded my arms. "I could have just pretended that I didn't know."

He chuckled as we pulled up to the building. "The price of knowing."

I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. "Let me know when you are on your way back." He nodded as I closed the door behind me.

I looked at the building in front of me and sighed. It still looked big and scary. Who was I kidding? There was no way that only one day would take away the apprehension that this place made me feel. I took a deep breath and began walking up the steps. The best way to get through unease was to face it head on and then it wouldn't seem as scary.

Jisung was waiting for me in the lobby. When he saw me he smiled and held out a coffee cup. "Lee Know said you were dragging this morning."

I nodded and took it from him, taking a long sip as well. Jisung smiled wider. "Would you prefer to get your ID picture taken now or later when you are more awake?"

I narrowed my eyes over the top of the cup as I took another drink. He laughed and held his hands up. "Later it is." He held the door to the rest of the building open for me and I walked with him back up to the Cyber Division offices.

I stopped in the doorway of the office and watched as Changbin scowled at some paperwork on his desk. Jisung clapped his shoulder as he walked by and he looked up.

His expression changed immediately. "Morning, Gorgeous!"

I shook my head slightly and took another sip of coffee. "I hear you aren't quite awake yet." I just shook my head again.

"All good. Come sit for a few minutes."

I walked in further and leaned against the side of Jisung's desk. "What's the plan for today?" I asked in between sips.

Changbin closed the file he had been looking at and threw it to the side of his desk. "Well, you need to get an ID at some point today. We need to show you your side of the physical paperwork, and then probably just network monitoring, again."

Connected 2 YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora