Seoul City Police Station

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I woke up groggy. The sun had already fully risen and I had to push hair out of my face to look at the clock. An 8 glared back at me. My eyes widened. 8 o'clock in the morning! I sat up in panic before I remembered where I was.

My door was still open and sunlight streamed into the living room. I heard clinking coming from the kitchen and I watched as Lee Know walked by the door with a cup of coffee in his hands. He didn't look my way as he went to the living room.

I pulled my legs up to my chest, closed my eyes, and set my chin on my knees. I could hear the faint sound of the shower running across the apartment, the rustling of paper, and more clinking coming from the kitchen. I smiled at the fact that I couldn't be any happier than I was right now.

My brothers were safely pursuing college degrees just like they were originally supposed to. Lee Know was in the living room having coffee instead of stuck in that old house dreading becoming just like his father. Felix and Hyunjin were still happy, together, and talking to me. And I was here, happy about all of it... Wasn't I happy?

"You're up." I opened my eyes. Seungmin had peeked in by door and smiled.

I sat back up. "Yup."

He came into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. He took a sip from the coffee cup that he had before offering it to me.

"So, any classes today?" I took a sip from the coffee cup. Just enough creamer to cover the bitterness.

"I have one this afternoon." He held his hand out for the mug. "Jeongin has one this morning and one later today. We should be home for dinner."

I nodded. "Any ideas?"

He shook his head. "Go get breakfast first. I made Egg Rice, and there is some Kimchi left."

I narrowed my eyes. "You made breakfast."

Seungmin laughed. "Lee Know Hyung has been teaching me a little bit."

Jeongin appeared at the door and I beckoned him in further. "Good morning Fox."

He smiled and came to join us on the bed. "I have to go in a minute, but good morning Noona."

"I heard. Make sure you work hard today."

"I will." He beamed then groaned before rolling himself off the bed.

We all followed after him. I walked Jeongin out as Seungmin went to take a shower. Then I returned to the kitchen. A bowl of egg rice sat covered on the counter. I took out some chopsticks and began eating it straight out of the dish.

"You know, Puppy said you would probably do that and I didn't believe him."

I looked up to Lee Know in the kitchen doorway. I paused for a few seconds before shrugging and picking up another bite.

Lee Know started laughing. "There's a bit of kimchi left too if you want some."

I shook my head. "Nah, this and coffee will be fine for now."

He nodded and went to pour himself more coffee from the pot. "Oh, you need to reach out to Officer Seo today. You start in the Cyber Division tomorrow, right."

I nodded. "Yes, but..." I swallowed what was in my mouth. "I don't have his number yet."

He chuckled again. "So, you were just going to show up tomorrow at a random time and hope that it worked out."

I shrugged and put another bite in my mouth. "Maybe."

He set his coffee cup on the counter then got his phone out. "I'll text Jisung and see if he can send it to you."

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