The Party Part 1

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My eyes fluttered open. I was laying in my bed and Seungmin was sitting in front of me. I was back at home. The light had shifted and decreased, meaning that a few hours had passed.

My eyes shifted around the room slowly before falling back onto my brother. "Seungmin?"

He smiled. "You fell asleep on the couch."

"Oh." I sat up a bit onto my elbows.

That's right. I remembered now. Lee Know had picked me up from the Police Station and we had driven back home. Then, the two of us had begun cleaning and decorating for the party. The boys were on their way back and I had eventually sat down while waiting for them. Apparently, I had fallen asleep.

"Jeongin and I carried you in here. Lee Know wanted to wake you back up when he finally noticed, but we wouldn't let him. Hyunjin and Felix should be over in just a little bit. So, we figured now would be a good time to wake you up for good." He smiled.

"Thanks." I sat all the way up and stretched.

He stood up from the bed. "I'm going to see if I can pry Jeongin away from his paper for a bit."

I scooted to the edge of the bed. Seungmin offered his hand and with his help I stood up next to him. "That bad?"

He shrugged. "He still has a week on it, but he's going a bit crazy over it."

I watched as he walked over to the door. "Tell him, I'll help him with it this weekend. That will hopefully get him to take a break at least."

He nodded. "Sounds good." He closed the door behind himself as he left.

I went ahead and changed clothes. It felt weird to just wear what I had worn to work this morning, plus I had just slept in those clothes and that made me feel even weirder.

I left my room and closed the door behind me. Balloons had been taped to the walls and a banner reading 'Welcome Home' had been placed on the wall behind the couch. The living room smelled wonderful and cooking sounds came from the kitchen.

I sat at the counter and looked through the cut out into the kitchen. Lee Know was stirring something in a pot and then moved to the counter and stirred something else. Several plates of food already sat on the counter in front of me. I picked up a toothpick and skewered a spicy rice cake.

I had just put it into my mouth when Lee Know turned around. He glared and crossed his arms.

I smiled. "It tastes really good." I chewed and swallowed.

He sighed and turned back around. "Just don't eat all of it before everyone gets here."

I skewered another one. "I missed lunch. I'm hungry." I chewed.

"You fell asleep on the couch before we could eat."

I swallowed my bite. "Are you making dumplings too?" I leaned around him to try and see the stovetop.

"They are in the oven."

I smiled. "Hooray. What else?"

He turned back around and leaned on the counter. "Couple different kinds of egg rolls, some rice balls, the meatballs are over on that counter." He pointed to the small counter behind him. "Fruits and vegetables are still in the fridge, pizza rolls are going in after the dumplings. Oh! And, I told Jisung to bring anything that wasn't fried chicken."

I smiled. "Anything that wasn't fried chicken?"

He nodded and turned back around. "That's exactly what I said."

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