Vipul, "Yes Boss". Saying this, Vipul started calling the driver, meanwhile Avayan left from there and Vipul also left after him.

The driver had come to the door with the car, Avayan was just a short distance from the car when suddenly there was an explosion in the car and the car caught fire.

Avayan stopped where he was for a moment, while all the people around got scared after seeing this and started running here and there, Avayan was covered by his body guards from all sides and his guards quickly took him inside the hotel.

Vipul said worriedly, "Boss, are you fine?"

Avayan looked at Vipul angrily and said, "What was this Khanna?"

Vipul was very scared for a moment and then he muttered, "I don't know boss, I- I will find out".

Saying this, Vipul went out of the room and he took a deep breath and said, "Oh Gosh, if the lift had not got stuck today, I would have died along with the Boss, we would have narrowly escaped".

Saying this, Vipul went away from there to find out everything, after some time Vipul came back and said, "Boss, a mini bomb was planted in the car, due to which the blast occurred.

Then after pausing for a while, "Boss, your going by private jet is also not free from danger, maybe something similar could happen there too. That's why I have prepared a car for you, you go in it. I will leave from here after some time in a separate car with some guards so that no one knows which car you are in".

Avayan found Vipul's words were right, that is why he left from here a little while ago alone with a driver and the same Vipul left with three cars along with some body guards.

In a very short time, Avayan had made such a place for himself in the underworld that no one could defeat him. Due to Avayan, many people had to lose their builted space and their fear also reduced.

Because of which Avayan had many enemies in this world of bloodshed who wanted to remove him from their path for forever.

Avayan was thinking about the same accident on the way. If he had reached the car even five minutes earlier today, he would probably have died there. And on the same way he met Nitya.

Flashback end.

Avayan was sitting on the sofa with his head towards the back when a message came on Avayan's phone. Hearing the beep of incoming message, he suddenly opened his eyes and picked up his phone and started looking at it.

As soon as Avayan saw the message, his facial expression suddenly changed and he kept his phone and went to the bathroom.

It was from morning to evening but still Nitya had not regained consciousness. Shanti Kaki still was sitting there near her.

Meanwhile, Madhav Kaka came there and as soon as he arrived, Kaki went to him and said, "Look, it has been evening from morning but this girl has not regained consciousness yet. You should ask the doctor once, there is nothing to worry about, right?"

Madhav Kaka said, "Yes, I am asking". Saying this, Madhav Kaka went out and returned after some time and he said, "Listen, the doctor is saying that she needs rest, that is why Dr. gave her a sleeping injection after some time she will regain consciousness on her own."

Shanti Kaki said, "Okay okay, I am here".

Madhav kaka left from there and Shanti kaki came and sat near Nitya and held her hand and said, "Once she regains consciousness and gets well, then we will know something about her, I don't know where she has come from and her family too, they will be so worried, don't know where they might be searching for her".

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