Chapter 3: The Untold Story Of The Villain

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In Frostburgh... Esmeray Enterprises,

Arik Esmeray, the C.E.O of Esmeray Enterprises, the most powerful blue-blooded Alpha feared by everyone had an annoyed expression on his face as he slammed the table hard making his secretary and everyone in the room flinch in fear.

"What do you mean you still couldn't find him, huh? It's been three months, damn it! You guys are telling me you couldn't even get a clue of where he went all this time? Why the hell am I paying you all for?"

Arik roared. His angry pheromones spread through the room suffocating everyone in there.

Maven who just arrived there knocked on the door before entering the room and was shocked to sense those dominating pheromones.

"Oy, Arik...what the -ough!"

Maven started coughing closing his nose trying to block those pheromones.

Some weak Alphas in the room were even coughing up blood.

Arik came back to his senses as he heard his friend's voice and controlled his pheromones.

Everyone breathed in relief and thanked Maven in their hearts for stopping their boss from killing them through his blue-blooded pheromones.

"You all leave," Maven ordered.

Taking that as a chance all the men ran out of the room escaping from their furious boss.

Maven walked towards Arik shaking his head, clutching his forehead.

"Why the hell are you losing control over your pheromones like this? Are you a teen?"

Arik kept silent and didn't respond looking through the files his secretary brought trying to find something.

That was when Maven noticed the haggard look on his friend's face and the dark circles around his eyes.

Maven sighed and patted his shoulder.

"I know you are trying to find him but take care of yourself too. I am trying on my side too. We will find him in no time, Maven."

"It's been three months, Maven... three months..."

Arik's voice was hoarse and filled with pain.

Maven sighed yet again.

"I didn't know my younger brother would run away from home. He always wanted to be a part of the family. So, I don't understand why he..."

He paused as he stared at Arik looking at his younger brother's picture, precisely his step-brother his father brought home when that kid was just eleven years old.

Hael was his name. He never talked with anyone and always observed everyone from at a distance as if he thought he didn't belong there.

He was always so distant that everyone in the Lucian family almost forgot about his existence until the day he ran away from home.

Even that day no one would have known about it if Arik hadn't come running to their mansion and caused an uproar searching for Hael.

[BL]The Omega Villain is Pregnant With The Alpha Protagonist's Twins✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin