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Reyansh entered into the office everybody wished him he also wished them back while the girls were drooling and going crazy over him

"Is dad inside" he asked the assistant
"Yes sir" she said he nodded and went inside ved looked up and smiled

"Ansh" Ved said looking at his son and they both hugged each other

Reyansh Malhotra son of Ved Malhotra

"Hey dad" reyansh said and they both sat together
"How are you" ved asked him
"I'm very good" he smiled

"Yeah, i can see that" he chuckled
He never saw his son this much happy it was all written over his face

And it's all because of that girl his soon to be daughter in law Isha she is a sweetheart and he liked her the day ansh introduced her to him

She was sweet shy and kind and he saw how much they both love each other

"I hope you will bring Isha tonight" ved asked reyansh nodded
"Ofcourse dad,she'll come" he said

Reyansh used to live with his parents but after getting engaged he moved with Isha to his apartment

Because he didn't want to be away from her so he convinced his and her parents
He was on cloud nine

So his mother had strictly told him every sunday he have to come to his house for dinner he can't see his mother sad so he agreed

Sometimes he goes alone but he always brings Isha with him so she can spend some time with his family and his sister they both are best friends

"You called me" reyansh asked
"Yeah, i forgot its about the new deal" ved said and they both got engrossed in the business talk

Here Isha was spending time with her family as her cousin also came to see her and she looked at the clock it was almost evening

"I'll go and get ready" she said and went to her room while they nodded and got busy talking

Then a car stopped at the entrance and Reyansh walked inside seeing him everyone got up and smiled

"Hello ma,papa" he smiled at them and touched their feet while they blessed him

"Reyansh how are you beta"
"I'm fine papa" he said
"How's everyone at home"
"They are fine ma" he smiled

Everyone sat and they talked for sometime while reyansh looked around for his love but she was not there

"She's in her room" Riya whispered he nodded and ruffled her hair

"Thank you" he whispered and went upstairs her parents smiled and felt blessed to have a son in law like him

He's the best for her, her father had no fear of his daughter's future

"I'm hungry, give me something"Riya whined they chuckled at her
Reyansh went to her room and heard the shower running he signed and layed on her bed and closed his eyes for a moment

And his eyes opened as he heard the door open he gulped as his eyes fell on her "Fuck" a curse left from his mouth

Isha turned hearing a voice and her eyes widened as she looked at him laying on her bed

"Reyansh" she gasped and clutched her towel she was just standing in a towel
"What are you doing here" she whisper yelled he just chuckled at her reaction

"I came to pick you up" he muttered

His eyes didn't left her for a moment she was just standing in a towel and the wet drops trailing from her hair

Her cheeks turned red at his stare
She was about to disappear again until he held her wrist and pulled her to him

"Where do you think you are going" he whispered in her ear goosebumps arrived on her skin

"Clothes" she muttered
"It's on the bed baby" he said pointing towards the bed and she cursed she picked the outfit before going to shower

"Rey" she meakley said and closed her eyes as he placed small kisses on her neck she clutched his shirt

"Everyone is downstairs" she said
he hummed still continuing his work

"We'll be late" she said pushing him lightly he signed and nodded
"I always lose control when you are around" he said pecking her lips

She blushed and he chuckled

"You still blush, you know there is nothing i haven't seen" he winked she hit his chest and picked her clothes running back into the bathroom

He smiled at her and turned to look for his phone, his mother was calling him

"Hey mom" he said
"Where are you" she asked him
"Will be there in an hour" he said
"Okay" she said excitedly he chuckled

"Ansh, is Isha also coming" she asked
"Yeah mom" he said and frowned as he didn't heard a voice

"Mom are you there" he asked
"Yeah,come soon we are waiting"
she said and cut the call

The door opened and he turned to see her his heart skipped a beat like everytime

"Beautiful" he said she smiled
"Thank you" she said

He sat looking at her she was doing her hair and and applied a little bit make up she knew he was staring at her

That's their routine he will sit and admires her everytime she gets ready

He wrapped his arms around and her once she is done they both looked each other in the mirror

"Mine" he said and kissed her cheek
She caressed his hands on her waist
"Only yours" she said and turned to him
He smiled and joined their foreheads

"Let's go" she said he nodded and enterwined their hands as they both got down riya whistled looking at them

"We'll go papa" she said he nodded and kissed her forehead
"Take care ishu" her mother said caressing her face Isha nodded and hugged her
"Bye ma,papa" Reyansh said

"Next time you both have to take me somewhere" Riya said
they both chuckled and nodded
"See you" Isha said they both hugged each other

"Come soon" her mother said she smiled and nodded while reyansh started the car
"Byee" riya shouted waving at them.

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