Chapter 3: Sebastian's perspective

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Only a few weeks until school is out! I can't believe it! As long as this year has felt, I still can't believe it's already almost summer.

I have the Wizard's Chess tournament to look forward to. No Quidditch, no problem!

Violet goes to every match. I like to watch her enjoy the games. She hasn't seemed to want to talk to me much lately, she hasn't seemed to want to talk to me at all. I try to entice her into conversing with me, pulling some lazy banter, but she won't take the bait anymore. I remember a time when we could go back and forth for hours, I also remember a time when there was silence between us. A comfortable silence, an understanding silence, but not like this. This silence made me feel like she had disappeared from me completely.

Are we truly done?

Just like that?

It's May 13th, three days until Violet's birthday.

In potion's class I can't help but stare at her, Violet sits at the table straight across from me. Dammit. I can feel Ominis's stare. He knows what I'm doing, Ominis may be blind but he's not dull. I've been stealing glances at her like this for months, Ominis claims he can-

"Sebastian, I told you I can feel you stare at her like that. You should stop before she starts to feel it, it's quite creepy." Ominis whispered. "Ominis, what am I supposed to do? I can't even talk to her anymore." I huffed back. "Just talk to her, Sebastian. Maybe she's waiting for you.". Before I could reply Garreth Weasley approached our table.

Garreth Weasley is the most unserious, unpredictable, lousy mess to ever walk these corridors. I've seen Violet laugh and giggle around him recently. The Violet I knew wouldn't have tolerated his insolence, she barely tolerated mine, but then again maybe I didn't know her as well as I thought I did. I hate having to stand here and watch her act so friendly with him, I'm right here.

"Hello boys, why the long faces? Your brew couldn't be that dreadful!" Garreth let out with a laugh. "Garreth, don't you have your own brew to be concerned with?" Ominis might've said this out of respect for my current feelings towards him and Violet. As I said Ominis may be blind but he sure as hell isn't dull. "Yeah, Violet told me not to get too close to our brewing pot after the events of the last potions class. Anyways, I came over to invite you fellas to a little party of sorts. Best to keep it hush hush though, it's a surprise party for Violet!" Garreth planning Violet's birthday party? My head is spinning. At this point, I was so angry I couldn't help what I was saying anymore. "I don't know Garreth, Don't want to ruin the fun." I said begrudgingly. "Oh? Alrighty then, what say you Ominis?". "I'd love to, owl me the details?" Ominis whispered. Shit.

"Bitter does not look good on you, my dear friend." Ominis huffed. Ominis just sat there shaking his head at me in disappointment. "Oh, please. What should I have said instead?". Ominis sat silently for a moment before laying a hand on my shoulder, "You should have shoved your anger aside and decided to be there for your friend. I know she wants to see you too, You're just too prideful to see that.". With that, he turned in our brew and left.

Later that night in our dorm I find myself unable to fall asleep. "Sebastian..?" Ominis called quietly. "Yes, Ominis?", "I know why you're still awake, Sebastian. You could still come with me to her party you know?". "I want to, but I still stand by what I said... I don't want to ruin her fun. Goodnight, Ominis.".

It's May 16th, Violet's birthday. "You can still come with me if you swallow your pride..." Ominis said teasingly. "No that's okay, I still have a few more parchments to write for Professor Ronen. Have fun though!" I said offering a small smile. "Okay, don't wait up for me. Garreth says tonight will be a late one!". A late one? What, they're just going to be up all night partying? I know it's Saturday, but still, we have yet another week of O.W.L.s ahead of us. Ugh, whatever.

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