Morning Surprises and exaggerated whining

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Longest chapter of this book. And do answer the question given at the bottom. Enjoy.

'Bright. Wake up. Brightttt.' My mother screeches right in ear making me wince. I slide my pillow from under me to block my ears from her piercing voice. 'Bright, I swear if you don't wake up this instant.' Her warning doesn't sound a least bit ominous above my desire to keep sleeping and pretend this world doesn't exist and I don't have to wake up, carry my bag and drag myself to school to spend the entire day sitting on edge of my seat, glancing at clock every 5 minutes and waiting for the bell to ring.

Don't get me wrong, I love studying. It may sound very cliche and cringe worthy and you might want to clash my head on the wall or something but for the longest time, being an academically excellent student is what I have defined myself upon. It's all I know. I realise this about myself and recognize that this behavior is not ideal in any ways. It is definitely not in the rule book of self help but it is what it is.

'Okay. I see. So I am just gonna go and ask you friend to leave because his friend doesn't not bother about him enough to leave his precious bed.'

My eyes snap open wide at the mention of the friend. I snatch the warm covers away from my face hurriedly and scramble to stand straight up without losing my balance and go face first on the ground.

I observe my mum's expression to see if it is one of her tricks to get me up from bed but her face gives nothing away. She stands there like a block of ice, scrutinizing me.

Friend sounds so odd coming from her mouth especially in regards of me. It's been a while since any of my friends have come to my home and met my mom. But I still quite not believe her. It might be one of her tactics to make me rise up early and suggest to study since she believes there is nothing like studying at dawn when sun is peeking from the horizon. Sigh.

I watch her suspiciously. 'What friend by the way?' I know for a fact it can not be Prim because she told me that she is going out of town to meet her grandma this weekend. She was excited about her trip that she made me listen all the crazy stories of adventure of her and her grandma on the phone after I returned yesterday. I was still pretty shaken up from the yesterday events, so I happily welcomed any distraction that came my way. And the fact that she is hilarious just adds on to the fun.

So, coming back to the point. If it is not Prim then who is it? Can it be.... no. No. It cannot be Win. It most definitely cannot be Win.

'Go. He is waiting for you.' My mother's stern command brings me out of my thoughts. He? So it's a guy. I am not in contact with much guys. I can count the names of people I know on my one hand and this includes both boys and girls.

'Mom. Just tell me. Who is it?' I ask, hurriedly making my way into the bathroom to fix my appearance and get rid with a series issue of bed hair. I sleep like a pig so it's no surprise when I look like a cartoon in the mirror with my hair sticking up in all directions. I try to salvage them the best I could and start brushing my teeth.

'Just come downstairs and see for yourself'. The smugness in her voice just proves my point that she enjoys seeing me all worked over things.

I groan in annoyance and curse my luck in all the languages I know, which is precisely only one. I spit the toothpaste out of mouth, gargle and wash my face to atleast attempt to not let my face show that I was sleeping till 12 in the afternoon. But in defense, it's a weekend. I deserve it especially after this crazy week.

I give a once over to my face and am satisfied with my appearance. I mean as satisfied as you could be with only 2 minutes of time to get yourself together.

I leave the bathroom and go to room to come face to face with my mom. 'Why are you still here?' I ask.

She scrutinizes me from my head to toe and then back to face and something akin to amusement takes over her features. I nervously pat my face and rake my hand through my hair to see if anything is out of place but she still continues to look at me like I am gonna perform a comedy show.

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