Forgotten memories and shocking discoveries

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'Maybe you can accidentally bump into him while he is going to his home back after school.' Prim suggests enthusiastically, her eyes wide open like saucers as if she has just cracked the code for one divided by zero.

'And how will I know the way for his home? Will you kindly tell me that too?' I spit out sarcastically, tired of her ridiculous ideas. She has been going on and on since one hour with her senseless suggestions.

What are we racking ideas for, you might ask? Well, our Prim here, convinced me that there is no other way for me to even stand in the elections without asking for help from him. She said and I quote, ' You are as non existent as my ass, no offense'.

I'm not offended but the truth still hurts. Once upon time, I used to be like her and them. Talking, laughing and enjoying with everybody but now it's all empty. My own laughter sounds hollow to me, my smile dimmed.

'Earth to Bright?' Primily's shrill voice directly in my ear makes me wince and direct my face at her very annoyed face.

'Goddamn, lower your voice, women. You almost pierced my eardrums.' I say still wincing at the ringing in my ears. I am surprised I still have my hearing abilities intact with me. I almost lost them so many times these past days. My poor ears.

'What the hell! You are joking, right? You can't possibly have the audacity to make fun of me when I am trying so hard to help you here with nothing but a candy bar in my stomach, by the way.'

She looks at me with so much disappointment shining in her almond eyes that I actually feel guilty for being so harsh. I shouldn't have said anything. She is right. She is trying to help me and I am being ungrateful. I don't deserve her help. I don't-

A thunderous laughter cuts through my inner guilt-ridden monologue. I look up my from my lap to see her rolling on the floor, tearing streaming down her face.

'Oh god.... Oh god.... I got you so bad.' She said in between her laughing making me scowl.

I roll my eyes at her childish behavior and stand up, dusting my black pants to get rid of any visible dust on the back of it. We have been sitting in the very corner of the library which has become our regular spot for hanging out and devising non existent plans for, what shall not be named.

'Where are you going?' She asks, still sporting a huge smile on her face, amusement dancing in her eyes.

'You mean, "where are we going?" We are to going to the nearby cafe so that you can fill that small tummy of yours and give me ideas which are actually helpful to me rather than making me wanna puke at the calmity of them.' I state plainly, making her frown at me.

'It's your fault for landing into this situation on the first place.' She stands up too and free her hair from the confines of her tight ponytail only to gather her hair once again to re do it. She slowly moves her hair away from her face and moves her hand at the back of her head to make sure there is no piece of hair left. After double checking, she finally ties her scrunchie around her ponytail but all  the tightening creates a small bump in the front of it.

I don't bother to tell her about it as a punishment for making me feel guilty and look away, whistling lightly. She looks at me suspiciously but don't bother to ask questions, her hunger taking the front seat right now.

She leads the way and I follow her quietly. Several of her classmates stop her to ask all kind of questions about her campaign and I stand there pretending to be very interested in the notice board. Hmmm. I should participate in some new clubs that have been introduced.

There is a musical club too. I have always liked playing guitar. When I was child, my grandma gifted me one on my tenth birthday. I didn't know how to play at the time but I was determined to learn to impress grandma.

Memories of my childhood fills my mind and all the air gets sucked out of the corridor. As if I have run a marathon, my whole body starts seizing and it like I was literally choking on my own intake of breath.

No. I need to get out.

I push past people hurriedly elbowing my way through the crowd. I hear all kinds of curses being thrown my way but it doesn't deters me to run out of here. I run and run until I can't run anymore.

I don't look around to see where I am but stand slightly bend over my waist, trying to fill my lungs with the needful air. I felt like a vistor in my own body, overwhelmed by the feeling of being underwater in the ocean, just below the surface with nothing under me and no way to get up for air.

'Sh.' His low, masculine voice fills my ears, warm calloused fingers run down my back delicately. 'Breathe with me.'

I couldn't. I couldn't breathe. Such a trivial word yet I couldn't carry the simple action. I could feel my heart sped up, taking flight only for my chest to weigh me down and fall and drown, into the ocean of despair.


His face is dripping with worry. Worry for me.

'You're alright.' He says soothingly in my ear, hesitantly moving his hand up to my hair, almost like the action is foreign to him and moves a stubborn lock of hair away from my forehead, tucking it behind my ear. 'Focus on me. Focus on my voice only.'

I scrunch my eyes shut and try focusing on his musky masculine scent tickles my nose and his fingers running gently up and down my back warms my body. I open my eyes to see him standing there, observing me closely with a open bottle of water in his hand.

He slowly extends it towards me and gauge my reaction. I look at him for a minute in astonishment. He simply gazes with no emotion on his sculpted face.

I hesitantly take the bottle from his hand, my dainty fingers brushing his in the process. He retracts his hand sharply as if my touch burned him. He clenches his hand in a fist and look away from me.

Is he angry with me? Did I do something wrong?

I close the lid to my over analyzing thoughts, for now. The water bottle is cool in hands as if bought a few minutes before. Does he carry a water bottle with him everyday? I have never seen him with one though. It's not like I see him everyday.

I rid myself of these thoughts and gulp the water eagerly. I let out a sigh of relief after a large sip. Water is best thing you could ever have when you are parched. No soft drinks or sodas could quench your thirst like water could.

Win's hand suddenly reaches up my chin making me jump a little. I gaze down his hand first and then towards him. As if he realizes his actions, his eyes widen a little but he immediately mask it.

'You... you have water droplets on your chin. I was.... I was just.. he stutters, still pointing towards it.

'Thank you.' I let out softly while wiping my face.

He nods stoically and lowers his hand down slowly, clenching them in a tight fist.

I look around to realise that we are in an abandoned classroom which has not been put to use for a very long time, seeing the thick layers of dust and cobwebs around. It is at very end the hallway, hidden away in a corner. I didn't even realize I ran till here before completely breaking down.

We stand there in complete silence, not having the words to fill it. I have so many questions to ask him like, How did he find me? Why did he help me? But I know I can't ask these questions directly and even if I do, something tells me that I won't get the answer.

So, we just stand here side by side, our deep breathing filling the silence in the room.

Standing there lost in my thoughts, I realise something which makes my heart stop for a second. I didn't need water to stop my panic attack today. I was calm long before he offered me the bottle.

So, what do you guys think of Win in this one? Do let me know and don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you so much.

BrightWin- For YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ