Chapter 2: Moving Forward

Start from the beginning

I already know my friends have a surprise party waiting for me, they're not very good at surprises. I love them all so much. 

I couldn't ask for better friends.

I have heard Imelda whisper to Garreth and Poppy about it for weeks. I didn't tell her I heard, they seemed so happy and excited about it.

 I couldn't ruin their fun.

 In potions class I overheard Garreth asking Sebastian if he'll be going, Sebastian said

 "Don't want to ruin the fun" 

What the hell does he mean by that? 

He's the only person I want to see, want to talk to, want to care, and he "Doesn't want to ruin the fun"? 

What in Merlin's name... that boy will be the end of me, I just know it.

Today is my 16th Birthday, I couldn't feel any less excited about it. I know Sebastian isn't coming to my surprise party. 

Maybe this is just a reality check. 

Like I said, him and I only spent time together for one goal. He knew I could help him, and I tried... It just didn't work.

 No harm no foul.

 Why should I expect his friendship after I couldn't help him with Anne? 

In my eyes I have no reason to be upset at his disconnect.

Poppy Sweeting owled, said she needed help in the Hufflepuff common room with a rogue puffskien...

 I knew it was a cover for my surprise birthday party.

 I entered the common room with the Hufflepuff password, trying to act as if I hadn't known what was going on.

 Everyone I knew jumped up and practically screamed "Happy birthday, Violet!"

 It was so sweet. I might've shed a tear or two at the sight. 

All of my friends were gathered, including Ominis! 

Why then wouldn't he show up? 

Sebastian Sallow, the Absent!

I was able to really have fun tonight, more than I expected I would. 

Garreth brewed a very special concoction for my birthday. It was nice not remembering everything in the morning... 

Until I heard about it the day after in class.

Apparently I had danced with Garreth all night. 

Ominis had  told me in charms that Garreth and I were like gum stuck to shoe...

 Who knew Garreth and I would make such an impression. 

It must've been true, Garreth talked to me more than we ever had before that week of classes. 

The O.W.L.s went okay, I didn't realize how easy they'd be to be honest.

 Everything was formatted just the way our homework was all year, it was just like muscle memory to me at that point. 

Go figure.

Garreth has owled to ask me if I'd join him to Hogsmeade tomorrow,

 I've accepted.

After completing my potions and defense against the dark arts O.W.L.s this morning, I meet Garreth in the Great hall to join him for Hogsmeade.

 I remember when Sebastian toured me around Hogsmeade. I miss him.

Garreth was entertaining though, I hadn't realized two hours had gone by with him.

 Garreth had a habit of causing me to lose time. 

Garreth was so humorous, and charming as well. It was hard not to have fun with him.

Garreth and I decided to grab a butterbeer at The three broomsticks. Sebastian Sallow was there with Adelaide Oaks. 

Sebastian looked like he was really enjoying himself.

That's when I knew I had to let him go. He looked so happy.

In doing so, I became quite close with Garreth. He might've stolen a kiss or two here and there.

Garreth was always so happy, so unbothered. That's what I needed , and Garreth provided. 

Garreth has asked me to the End of Year ball, of course I said yes.

 Garreth was so convincing.

Garreth was proving to be quite the distraction from my dark thoughts. 

He knew how to keep me leveled. 

I haven't felt such peace since I was clearing dungeons with Sebastian. 

I miss that.

 I miss watching him demolish hoards of goblins.

 I miss watching him stand by me.

 I miss talking with Sebastian.

I miss getting Sebastian's Owl.

I miss Sebasstian.

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