"Oh, well since we don't have plans til tonight. Go right now? I'll settle in while you go" I said.

"Okay cool! I'll go in a bit."

"Lee, what time are you heading home?" I ask her.

"I'll go when Tyler goes"

"You don't wanna stay?" I ask her.

She doesn't respond. I smirk at her and shrug.

"Stay Leah! You can spend time with her" he says. He's so clueless.

"Yeah Leah. Spend time with me" I said.

She couldn't say no since she knows he doesn't know either. So she ended up staying while Tyler left.

It was quiet for a bit in the hotel. Leah was sitting on my bed while I was settling in.

"So when can I leave?" Leah asks me.

"Whenever you want. Just don't let Tyler see how fast you leave"

"Why haven't you told him what's going on with us?"

"He doesn't need to know"

"But he knows everything"

"Okay? Well not this and we're gonna keep it that way"

"Jennifer you're here for a week and you're not far at all from my place. He will know something is up. Plus it's your fault. Why do I have to go with what your plans are?"

"I mean...you're listening to me so?"

She scoffs.

I walk over by her to place something down on the little dresser next to her. Then I look at her. She doesn't look so I used my finger and pushed her face up to look at me.

"You learn your lesson after all that teasing and not letting me?" I ask her, talking about that night..

"I was just trying to help us work out our situation. You're the one who can't handle no sex for a bit." She says.

I raise my brows and eye her down.

"Well..it's not fair to me"

"Not fair to me either now that I know you've fucked that bitch that I knew you were fucking before when I'm gaining more feelings for you and wanted you."

"You knew where things were going that day"

"Well if you waited at least one more week I would've let you. But you're such a sex addict."

"I'm not."

"You are Jennifer."

I let go of her chin.

"It's not fair that your look that good that I'm just so addicted to you"

"If you're so addicted to me, how can you just go fuck some other bitch right after making out with me?" She asks.

She's right but I don't want to admit that. I was a little in the mood that night cause we made out a lot that night.

She leans back and tilts her head.

"We have to at least spend time together once or twice this week. Just so Tyler won't be suspicious"

"Why don't you want Tyler to find out what's happening?"

"He will go off on me and cause a scene. I already know. Plus he paid for our Miami trip.. can't let him know that went to waste."

"It wasn't a waste if we had a good time together. Did you not have a good time??" She asks. "I did! But..look at us now"

After Dark 2Where stories live. Discover now