Ch. 5 - A God Never Pities A Sinner | Ⅳ

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Do you like our gift? Our wonderous and fantastic gift! Forever stuck in the tight threads of life, endlessly lost yet found by those you'll never remember, picked up and dropped with merciless kindness. How chivalrous!

We do wonder how you will surviveor how you will give up, we do, we do! But we won't pity, not you, not those who are affiliated with Khaenri'ahns. Your fault, your karma!

We'll follow you, don't worry, don't worry! You are never alone, not with us! Merciless, we are!

Pain is your love, it stings, it burns, it crushes, it stabs, it whatever! But more importantly, it stays, it clings, it infects! You will be ridden with our love, is that not marvelous?


For the nth time, Diluc knocked on the bedroom door, a part of his heart clenches once again when there is no sound nor movement from inside. The kid had barricaded themself inside after the two returned to the mansion, Diluc can't blame them, never.

I should've arrived sooner. He thought painfully, his head hung low like a shamed servant. With all of his options running out, Diluc went downstairs and consulted Adelinde for the fifth time, he can't give up now.

"Surely something will rouse the young one to coming out of the room, they still need to eat." Adelinde spoke out her concerns, the dish of meat and vegetables beside her on the table slowly going cold.

Eyes squinting with frustration, Diluc turned to find a doctor, someone with any common sense towards children and their complicated but simple mindsets, anyone who一

The sight of a familiar blue-haired man instantly interrupted Diluc's train wreckage of thoughts as he opened the door.

Kaeya, standing just on the door step, smiled wryly as if he had been there for quite some time. Was he hyping himself up to enter?

Raising a brow, Diluc stared disapprovingly at him. "What are you doing here?" He asked in a firm voice, unconsciously preparing a somewhat sarcastic response if need be. Kaeya's smile froze.

Peering past Diluc for a moment, Kaeya wasn't exactly sure how to approach the matter- especially with being four years apart; who knows if Diluc's blunt responses have become duller than a cold, windy night.

"So I heard that-"

The door slammed in front of Kaeya's face.

What was that for?! He stood there dumbfounded for a moment, Diluc had become as blunt as a hammer!
But was the rumour really true? That the Great Young Master Diluc had brought home a child, that he eloped with a mysterious but beautiful maiden and-

Kaeya quickly slapped his cheeks to escape his sudden stupor. "Of course not, Diluc's too in love with the winery business to ever have a child." He reassured himself promptly.

Raising his hand to knock twice, Kaeya prayed Diluc still wasn't at the other side of the door. Please please please plea-

"Young Master Kaeya!" Adelinde's voice rang out like a song bird on a bright morning, and Kaeya couldn't help but grin happily.

▷ [ New Character Detected: Kaeya the Quartermaster of the Knights ]

Beckoning Kaeya enthusiastically, Adelinde brought him inside to have some food. Immediately, his eyes wandered to the cold plate of meat and vegetables on the dining table, following his gaze; Adelinde's smile became stiff. "The little one hasn't eaten anything all morning, Master Diluc has been pacing back and forth."

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