Chapter 43: The Undesired Companion

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I thought I hated when Bogdan called me 'Songbird'. But there a man was, tensed, shocked, unsure if he wanted to kill me or hug me or both. As if I was still that girl.

There was nothing - absolutely nothing - worse than hearing that dead girl's name on this man's lips.

So I tilted my head in warning, hating the way my breath caught in my throat. One little word. One agonizing reminder.

"No," I said before I could stop myself. Beamol frowned, light from the fire behind me bouncing off his green eyes. Then he scoffed out a laugh.

"I knew you lot chose different names for yourselves upon admission," he stated. "I didn't think you held up to them so seriously."

"Yes, well, we're not exactly the same people anymore, are we?"

"You can't just change -" he started, but cut himself off. "My brother would kill you if he saw you here."

"Your brother could certainly try," I quipped, then mentally kicked myself when Beamol stiffened. "I'm not here to fight, Beamol. I'm here to warn you."

"Warn me?" He repeated. "Is this about the dream?"

Ah, so he remembered.


He swore, glancing away before fixing his eyes back on me. By the gods, was that a bit of gray in his hair?



". . . What?"

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Or Wren, for short."

He took a moment to comprehend what I was telling him before he scoffed, tilting his head in obvious bewilderment.

"What are you, thirteen?"

I smiled, making my way out of the room - but I stopped next to him to respond.

"No. Petty. What better way to spite my mentor than to name myself after a cursed demon heiress?"

"Adtros' Bells," he cursed. "I'm not calling you-"

"I said you can call me Wren. But by the gods, Beamol, I refuse to go by any other name."

I pushed away from the Caster, allowing him to stutter over his words while I studied more of his home interior. Paintings and decorative weapons lined the walls, which stood tall and narrow like the inside of a wide tower. I guessed they slept in the rooms that led upstairs, but I didn't want to test my old acquaintance further by invading more of his home than I already had, so I stopped in the middle of the open area.

"I am being hunted by a ravtin," I informed. "That was what you saw in . . . That dream."

There was a bout of silence before Beamol spoke, accusing me by questions he already knew the answers to.

"It's her, isn't it? She came back."

I pulled my cloak tighter around me, as if it could somehow shield me from the shadows abound.

"She's not just a ravtin. She has power - from my knowledge, she's killed at least two other Circle members, and has been hunting countless other wayguards. Nearly killed mine, too."

I somewhat wished she had. Okay, so I was still a little pissed at Bogdan for kicking my ass in the mud back at Canden.

"I'd say that's a bit of justice, then."


"Perhaps it would be," I agreed, turning back around to face him. "She is a being born of revenge; she doesn't care who's blood she has to spill to get it."

On Death's HonorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora