Chapter 31: Evil Comes in Bulk

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Mutnya was rightfully pissed. It did my body absolutely no good to get to this point, but it was worth it. As difficult as it was to think past the spirin and the other wonderful being now raging in my consciousness, the sort of joy that had me grinning wide and full upon seeing the nymphtan's outraged face as her own creations held her to the ground . . . Well, it was enough to not give a damn that I had things slowly eating away at my sanity.

I pressed my head against the cold stone, withdrawing my hands from the water so that I could start regaining full control over myself. There was a sort of mental pain to it all, something that stretched far beyond physical - for this wasn't something that could be fought with brute muscle. This was a battle of will, of forcing two complete opposite entities trapped within my own to stay the fuck down.

And that wasn't including whatever else was in my head.

The gods knew that the only thing that kept me going was the knowledge that there was no simple death for me. I'd made too many enemies over the years that would be more than happy to use me after death, none of which held a more powerful hold than the cult I'd dedicated my life to. I believed in the afterlife because I'd seen it too many times.

Seen the way that there's really not much difference than life itself. There was no end as far as I knew.

I'd been ready to risk it all for a chance to capture a mistress of blood, and I'd do it again if it meant being able to face something I could hate more than what I was.

You won't be able to do this forever.

Don't need to.

You're bleeding.

Don't care.

It would be easier, to let the nymph god take you.

I took in a slow, steadying breath, thinking about the girl I'd first encountered inside this wretched place.

But was it really Tanryn that brought us here?


I forced a groan past my lips, a wave of nausea passing over me when I finally managed to move my legs beneath me.

Curses spoken in languages I'd long since forgotten - until now, at least - flooded their way past my lips. First my arm, then my ribs, now my fucking leg-

Unsteadily, I climbed to my feet, keeping as much weight as I could from my shredded calf. Behind me, Mutnya still screamed obscurities, wrestling against the vines she had grown and created that which now served a different master.

"I thought your kind don't use blood magic," she snarled when I turned to face her. I shrugged.

"Wasn't as much blood as it was you shifting your home to me."

"You tricked me!"

Why were they always surprised?

"No, I did not." I limped over to her frantic form, smiling at the way the vines tugged around her arms and midsection like ruthless snakes seeking to suffocate their prey. Then I crouched, the lightheadedness from a stupid amount of blood loss almost forcing me on all fours. Didn't matter. I wasn't the one tied down.

"You didn't notice the runes I drew," I recounted with a tilt of my head. "You knew what I was and you didn't think to check for traps?"

"Because they're useless-"

"Not if you play the cards just right."

She bared her teeth, which were still glistening with my blood.

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