15: the Tavern of the Lost.

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As I pushed the snow with my feet to make a path in front of me, I thought of how stupid it was of me to think I could get my hands on some fresh slumbershade

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As I pushed the snow with my feet to make a path in front of me, I thought of how stupid it was of me to think I could get my hands on some fresh slumbershade.

Only the bear lords in Vencross would have had any at that time of the year. An who would have been foolish enough to steal from their gardens?

"Gods have mercy!" I cried out loud as I hit my foot on a boulder. "I fucking hate this," I waved my hands through the piles of snow in an annoyed manner. "Why can't things ever go my way?"

I felt my chest tightening and my wrist ached as small droplets of blood dripped down through the bandage, onto the white beneath me, melting it as it stained it in scarlet. I could sense the vampire venom flowing through my veins, pulsing as it tainted my insides.

I barfed impulsively, and spilled the little food I managed to dig in as I left the Dark King's fortress.

I let myself plummet down in the snow, and gazing at the clear night sky above. I wondered how much longer will I be able to make it as I did up until that point.

The Tavern of the Lost.

I had never heard of it in my life. And I did not trust whoever that son of Gamza might have been. For all I knew, that place could have been the end of me.

But I did leave the Nest with that in mind. I was ready to risk it. But that didn't mean I would just foolishly walk into a random cohort in the middle of nowhere without a plan.

I wondered how Maia would have felt if she truly knew what was going through my head. And I wondered if, given a different circumstance, if she would have minded being by my side.

"No, impossible..." I mumbled, and shook my head.

Maybe if I had been born in a different time, in a different place. Maybe she and I would have been more than just a thought. If I had not been me.

My tail stiffened as some snow slipped under my garments, and I felt the baby hairs tense up on my back.

I jolted upwards as the tingling sensation trailed down my spine. There was no time to dwell and be lazy. I was just about to reach the place I was told to seek help.

I followed the trail indicated by my compass, but it felt like I was turning in circles. Snow, snow and more snow. I felt like I was hallucinating.

I couldn't smell anything, I could barely feel my limbs from the cold, and all the snow everywhere I looked didn't provide much of a guide. The king told be to trust the winds and that they would lead me to the right path.

Whatever that meant.

I didn't like what he suggested in regards to her.

"Mark her?" I mumbled under my breath. "Me? Mix blood with a digressive?"

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