Chapter 26

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the palace, the celebration of Gangaur entered its next phase. The ladies, carrying the adorned clay idols on their heads, gathered for a procession around the palace.

Siya, her hands painted with intricate mehendi patterns, held her Gaur idol with reverence. The vibrant colors of her attire mirrored the kaleidoscope of emotions within her. Abhimaan, observing from a distance, felt a surge of admiration for the woman he had chosen to be his life partner.

The procession meandered through the palace corridors, accompanied by traditional Rajasthani music and the rhythmic steps of the women. Siya's heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she sensed the moment drawing near.

Abhimaan, seizing the opportunity, joined the procession, his eyes locked on Siya. Naina, aware of her brother's intentions, winked at him, silently encouraging the unfolding revelation.

As the procession reached the courtyard, adorned with fairy lights and floral decorations, Abhimaan stepped forward. The women encircled the central area, their faces glowing with the light of the lanterns.

Abhimaan, his voice carrying through the enchanting atmosphere: "On this auspicious day of Gangaur, surrounded by the colors of love and devotion, there's something I've been meaning to say."

Siya's heart raced as all eyes turned toward Abhimaan. The festive fervor seemed to pause, creating a moment suspended in time.

Abhimaan, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on Siya,"Siya, from the moment I saw you, my heart recognized its other half. Today, under the blessings of Gangaur, I want to confess that I love you with all my being."

Siya, her eyes reflecting a kaleidoscope of emotions, felt a surge of joy. This was the moment she had longed for.

Siya, her voice a gentle melody, "Maan, I love you too. With each passing day, my love for you grows stronger. Today, under the grace of Gangaur, our hearts unite in harmony."

The courtyard echoed with applause and joyous celebrations as Siya and Abhimaan, surrounded by the essence of Gangaur, embraced their newfound chapter of love.

Abhimaan, his eyes sparkling with happiness, extended his hand towards Siya, inviting her to join him in the center of the courtyard. Siya, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, gracefully stepped forward, the Gaur idol still cradled in her hands.

Abhimaan, with a charming smile, gently took Siya's hands in his, the mehendi patterns on her palms adding an artistic touch to their intertwined fingers. The crowd, sensing the deep connection between the two, erupted into cheers and applause.

Naina, unable to contain her excitement, whispered to her mother , "I always knew they were meant for each other. Gangaur just made it official!"

Sakshi, grinning, nodded in agreement, "It's like a fairy tale unfolding right before our eyes. The palace, the music, the love—everything is so magical!"

Meanwhile, the elderly matriarch of the family, Rani Sahiba, observed the scene with a contented smile. She whispered to  aditi , "True love, like the one blossoming between Siya and Abhimaan, is the greatest blessing Gangaur could bestow upon our family."

The courtyard, bathed in the soft glow of lanterns, became a canvas for the unfolding love story. Abhimaan, still holding Siya's hands, continued, "Siya, as we embark on this journey together, I promise to stand by you through every joy and challenge, just as we stand here under the watchful gaze of Gangaur."

Siya, her eyes brimming with tears of joy, responded, "And I promise to cherish and nurture our love, just like the traditions we hold dear. Together, we will create a life filled with laughter, love, and the vibrant colors of our shared dreams."

The elderly priest, presiding over the ceremony, raised his hands in a silent blessing. "May your love be as eternal as the traditions we celebrate today. May Gangaur's blessings guide you both on this beautiful journey."

The crowd, moved by the sincerity of the moment, erupted into cheers once again. The music resumed, and the couple, surrounded by the warmth of their loved ones, continued to dance to the rhythm of their hearts.

As the night unfolded, the palace courtyard became a sanctuary of love, laughter, and celebration. Siya and Abhimaan, now officially united by the magical thread of love, moved gracefully through the festivities, their hearts echoing the timeless melodies of Gangaur.

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