Chapter 13: All The Girls Hate Percy, and Maybe Cedric Does Too

Start from the beginning

"Well...I better get to class now," she said, shouldering her newly fixed backpack. "I'm really sorry, Harry."

"It's fine, it really is," Percy insisted.

"Okay, bye," Cho said, before turning around and running to class.

Percy was obviously disappointed, but a part of him felt relieved—he kind of just lied to her. He felt quite awful about that. After the Yule Ball, she might've wanted a relationship—which Percy couldn't blame her for, he had literally just confessed his fake crush on her. He couldn't have a relationship. He knew his heart belonged to someone else. But now what was he going to do about the whole you-need-a-partner-for-the-Ball thing?

His shoulders slumped as he headed for his next class, not caring that he'd be late.


He'd asked out two girls, and both had turned him down. His ego was going to take some time to heal.

"You're running out of time, Percy," Hermione warned.

"Anything new?" Percy said dully. "I'm always running out of time."

"Don't worry, you're not the only one," Ron said miserably. He had been awfully quiet this whole time.

"Why, what happened?"

"I asked Fluer out," Ron admitted.

"I'm guessing that didn't go so well?" Percy said.

"I don't know what came over me!" Ron exclaimed. "She was surrounded by people and I just..."

"Dude, you asked her out in front of everyone?" Percy said in disbelief. Now that—that was what Percy called bravery...or stupidly. Or both. Probably both.

"You should've seen him," Hermione said, suppressing a smile. "He screamed it too."

"And I'm guessing from your facial expression, you got rejected?" Percy said.

"Yes," Ron said in misery.

"Hey, it's fine," Percy tried, but it didn't really seem to help.


The three of them turned to face the voice Percy recognised as Cedric's.

"Can you talk for a second?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure," Percy said, waiting.

"Alone?" Cedric said awkwardly.

"Oh, sorry." He followed him to the side. He wondered what Cedric wanted to talk about. His mind ran through a few possible reasons. The curiosity was killing him—wow, he was really impatient.

"I wanted to repay a favour," Cedric said.

"You really don't have to–" Percy started, but in truth, he would love it if Cedric told him what the second task was.

"You know the Prefects' bathroom?" Cedric inquired. Why was he asking about a perfect bathroom? What did that have to do with everything? Percy had a feeling he was supposed to know the answer.


"It would be a nice place to take a shower, don't you think?" Cedric said with a smile. "Take the Egg."

"Uh...what?" Percy said, dumbfounded. Showering with the Egg?—sorry, Cedric, but Percy was starting to think that either he was trying to sabotage him, or he went crazy trying to find out what the second task was.

"You heard me," Cedric said. "Anyway, I better get going. Good luck." And with that, he left.

Couldn't he have just given Percy a straight answer like he had done? He groaned, frustrated, and headed back to his friends.

"You look angry," Ron noted. "What'd he tell you?"

Percy filled them in on his and Cedric's conversation. "Why didn't he just tell me?" He groaned.

"Maybe try to use your brain a little," Hermione said. "You should be thankful you got a hint on what to do."

"Yeah..." Percy said half-heartedly. "Hey, Hermione?"


"What did Cedric mean by 'perfect bathroom'?"


So it turns out it wasn't a 'perfect bathroom', it was the 'Prefects' bathroom'. Apparently Prefects were like some people who were chosen to keep their house at bay. How come they have their very own bathroom? Unfair.

Percy decided he was going to try what Cedric told him to, just after the Yule Ball. He had getting a partner as his first priority for now. He tried to tell McGonagall that he couldn't find one, but this was how the conversation went:

"I'm sorry, Mr.Potter, but you must have a partner by the Ball."

"Can't Cedric represent Hogwarts?" Percy asked desperately.

"You are a Champion too, no excuses!"

He was desperate, so he just asked any girl he found in the Gryffindor common room. "Hey, do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

"Oh! Sure," she said with a smile, her friend giggling beside her.

"Wait," Percy said, an idea forming. "Do you know anyone who could go with my friend?"

"Oh, yes, I'll tell her," she said, walking away with her friend.

Alright, so most girls hate him, not all. That's a relief.

"Thank you so much, Percy. You're a lifesaver," Ron said. "But how does she look like?"

"It shouldn't matter what she looks like," Hermione said, glaring at Ron.

"Well– yeah, you're right," He agreed, though he gave Percy a we'll talk about this later look.

Percy chuckled, and drowned in his seat. He had a partner now, and Cedric had given him a hint on what the second task was. He hadn't realised how stressed he was, but now, he could finally relax.


"What's this?" Ron said, pulling a red dress out of a box. "Mum's sent me...a dress?"

"Well, it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?" Percy said, grinning, as he reached into the box. "Aha!" He pulled out a bonnet.

"Put those down," Ron said, face red, as some Gryffindors on their table snickered. He went over to his sister. "Ginny, these must be for you."

"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly," she replied. Hermione laughed, but Percy was still trying not to, which probably made him look silly.

"What are you on about?" Ron said, confused and embarrassed.

"They're not for Ginny," Hermione said. "They're for you."

The Gryffindors laughed. "Dress robes," Hermione wheezed.

"Dress robes?" Ron said, looking horrified. "For what?"

"The Yule Ball, of course!" Percy laughed. Ron looked like he was going to burst into tears at any moment. So, he felt bad, but he had to admit it was funny.

Word count: 1646

Heyy, Hru? I've been enjoying writing this story too much, so updates aren't really slow (that's probably because my chapters are short, but oh well).

I still don't have any fanfics, so I'd love it if you would suggest a good one, or one you've written yourself.

Until the next chapter!

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