Expect the Unexpected

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I'm grown. The fuck I look like calling Jarrod's bum ass? I thought to myself I as inspected my figure in my large, bedroom mirror. I thought about what he said in the voicemail "Look Ty, I'm sorry. I was too young".

Damn right, you were too young, and so was I... bastard. "Time to make some paper," I said as I headed out my front door.

                                                            .❀ . ❀ .

On my way to work, I got stuck in a traffic jam. The hell is this? I think as I glance impatiently at the digital clock attached to my car radio. 6:25. I had to be at work by 6:30. Fuck this. I parked my car and grabbed my handbag. I then started power walking on the sidewalk. Ignoring all the cat calls, I started focusing on the scene ahead. A swarm of police cars flashing red and blue lights were parked right outside the club. What the hell? I started jogging towards the scene. About a block later, the scene of an ambulance began emerging and... Oh My Goodness! Stretchers holding what seemed to be still bodies. I sprinted towards the nearest officer, my bag constantly hitting my side with every step.

"E-excuse me s-sir?" I was out of breath, so I placed my hands on my head to allow more air into my rapidly expanding and contracting lungs.

"Ma'am, I will have to ask you to leave please, this is a crime scene," As soon as he said that, a stretcher to my right caught my eye.

"Skylar!" I screamed her name while managing to push past a few officers and some paramedic, "Sky!"

"T-ty? I-is that y-you?" She responded in a voice so frail, my heart started to tear apart.

"Baby, I'm right here," I said soothingly. I nearly fainted when I saw her wounds. Her wounds told a story what seemed to be bullets that permeated through her stomach, her shoulder, and her chest.

"It's that b-bad?" My eyes started to water as I shook my head and answered,

"N-no, hun, I j-just..." I kept shaking my head. My loss of words was no help to her gruesome situation.

"Ma'am, we need to get her to the ER ASAP," A tall, blonde Paramedic stated with a rather serious tone.

"C-Can I got with her?" I asked, my eyes pleading with him.

He looked around nervously before nodding his head. He called a few people over to load Skylar's stretcher into the back of the ambulance. God, please don't let my best friend die! I prayed as I boarded the ambulance. Before they closed the door, I caught a glimpse of the chaotic scene we were leaving behind police officers were talking on their radios, paramedics were tending to their wounded and fatally injured, and family members were calling frantically for their loved ones. One glimpse was all I needed to send chills down my back as a huge lump formed in my throat.

The doors closed, and I turned my attention back to Skylar. I grabbed hold of her hands, feeling her icy palms against mine, and then looked up at the paramedic in front of me as he told me of her condition, "She's unconscious from her amount of blood loss." I nodded while looking down at her sleep-like state.

"Hang in there, Sky," I whispered as I felt the tears build up in my lower eyelid, "I won't leave your side," I closed my eyes as the flood of tears slid down each cheek, leaving streaks behind them.

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