"Well, maybe if you penciled me into your calendar and made some time for me I would be able to see and talk to you outside of school." Jordan says. "Feel like I never get to see you these days."

How the table has turned.

"How about I clock out early and we can hang out at your house, and you can get my undivided attention?"

"That's all I ask." Jordan smiles, he holds up his cup filled with nothing but ice and ask, "Can I get another order of this to go?"

I'm not the only one who has been hard to make plans with and been working overtime, since Spencer quit football he's been working overtime to save up for college or throwing the football around. Darnell has been trying to get the both of us to change our mind about quitting football. Aside from that, it's crazy how in sync we are with each other; even though we did for different reasons — Spencer wanted to play football and so did I, then I quit football and a couple weeks later he quit football.

Back on track, Spencer told me that Layla had admitted herself into in-patient treatment and before she went in she tried to get in contact with me. I haven't had shy form of contact with Layla since Jordan and Olivia birthday party, mostly because I blocked her number that same night. I haven't seen her in school because I make sure to walk all different routes, and I haven't seen her outside of school because somewhere between the birthday party and finding out Corey had died — I've basically moved back home as well as Spencer.

I don't remember the last time I even slept at The Bakers house or that I've been to their house.

Jordan taps his shoulder against mine as he says, "At least pretend that you want to be here."

I don't want to be here actually but I kept that to myself and instead said, "It's just. . . I haven't been here in a while and there's something different about this place."

I just said the first thing that came to mind but now that I'm actually looking, it definitely does seem like something has shifted, not dramatically but in subtle ways. For starters, the outlets are now protected with protective covers. And the close knitted living room, now the space is open, I don't know but the spacing now seems oddly deliberate. And then my eyes fall on the coffee table, which held a folded baby blanket.

"Are y'all baby proofing the house?" I question as I turn towards Jordan. "Is your mom pregnant?"

"No." Billy answers instead. "Laura almost got an accident with one of the outlets, long story, and we thought it was time to be a bit more safety-conscious around here. You know, just making sure no one gets zapped."

"And the furniture rearrangement is my mom attempt at some home improvement." Jordan says, letting out a little chuckle. "Feng Shui, you know? Gotta keep the energy flowing."

I point to the coffee table. "So, what's the baby blanket for?"

"I was worried to when Laura brought it home, but her friend is into knitting, and Laura wanted to be supportive so she brought one." Billy tells me. "We just leave it out because it adds a cozy vibe."

I tilt my head, absorbing their explanations, something other than their furniture seemed off but I nod my head. "Got it, outlets and Feng Shui. And the baby blanket adds a cozy vibe. Makes sense."

There's no way they thought I brought that.

The explanations though not entirely convincing, I bit my tongue and press further because maybe this goes back to the divorce happening between Laura and Billy — I didn't step on anybody toes trying to be nosey. But that explanation couldn't even convince a toddler. Jordan might become defensive about the situation, and his defensiveness would more than likely put me in a defensive mood and then we're back on non-speaking terms. Feel like whenever I'm with Jordan, I'm always biting my tongue to avoid any further drama between us.

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