Charles Locksmith

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The day came faster than I could blink. I had fun while waiting. Me and Locksmith drinking everything we could. It was only me and him. We were the only ones that will be chosen. Lucy Gray was out of the picture. 

I put on some jeans and a shirt. Me and Locksmith walking together. Effie was looking down at us. My sister and father and the hood lady in the front with Miss Jackie and that boy. His name was Nate. 

"Welcome! As you know it is always ladies first!" She dug in the bowl. "Mavis Baird!" She called. I walked next to her as a tear fell down. Was this all I was made for? Was it to fight for my life? Was that my calling? 

"Now for the men!" She shared a look with Locksmith. "Charles Locksmith!" She called. His real name was Charles? I never knew. I smiled at my family and the small group of friends standing there. My father and sister killed there 3 fingers and held them up. Everyone joined and so did I. We were being pulled away. "Hey I need to say bye!" I shouted at the commander. "No to the train!" "Let me say bye! I Love you all!" I yelled before I was dragged away. 

We were put on the train. Effie explained how this year was going to be hard. Everyone had more experience than I did. When we got to the room we were eating. Locksmith was going through the other victors. I seen Peeta and Katniss. "No way man" I threw my face to my palm. "We are not all making it out this time" He mumbled. "We can always try Charles" "Locksmith to you!" I laughed. 

"Do you remember when we first met you almost stabbed me with a fork?" He wondered. I laughed. "I am surprised you remember" "Why?" "I thought you might have had a mild case of alcoholic dementia." he smirked. "That's not funny Mavis" He pointed at me. "Then why did you smile?" He looked around. "It's a little funny"

We had to do the horse ride again. Darius was dressing us up. Last game me and Drake were in black with feathers. This year we are white. This dress was revealing to say the less. The top of my chest was hanging out. It was tight. There was blue and yellow on the dress crossing each other in a line pattern. It was beautiful. I had long white heeled boots. I looked amazing. My hair was in a big bun. 

"Ah Mavis!" I heard someone call. I turned and looked. "Oi Finnick" I responded. He looked me up and down. "You look amazing!" "You look.. Interesting!" I commented. "What happened to the princess dresses?" He questioned. "I stopped believing in fairytales" I mentioned. "I can tell" He smirked. "That performance you did in the games.. It was amazing. I just do not think you can get out of this one with some songs and flips" He explained. 

"Yeah I doubt I can. I did learn some things from last time." "In light me" "Put my heart aside and go for other peoples" I smiled. "If you know what I mean" I added. "Any other secrets you want to let me in on? Any people from your past or anything?" I was lost. "If you pay attention to the screen then you know everyone knows anything. I only dated one person in my life which was a complete waste of time. I liked someone else then they died. I only have my sister and pa left. Hmm and I might be a threat to some. Do not worry pretty boy I will not harm you" I told him with a wink. 

"Mavis!" Locksmith called out. He walked over to me. "Finnick" "Locksmith". "tributes mount up" They called. Darius walked over. "Okay I want you guys to look brave and tuff. Like you are better than everyone else" Darius explained. "That wont be to hard for someone would it?" Locksmith nugged my arm. I smiled. "Oh do not act like you do not feel like that sometimes. I remember asking you for tips and you wanted to act like I was nothing" I laughed. 

"You were nothing! Now you feel like one of my children!" He told me. I sighed as my eyes got watery. "Don't tell me that" I spoke low. "I am just glad you are not I would have to give you up" he laughed. "There he goes" I looked at Darius. I looked at the black flowers and jewels on the cart. They were meant to remember Drake. 

"Be prepare for a surprise on the way." Darius said as we started moving. What kind of surprise? We were hit by sunlight. People were clapping and cheering. I was straight faced. Locksmith took my hand. We were going by Snow. Me and him locked eyes. Smoke started blazing. it was blue and yellow. Songbird colors. The blue is for the small hunter bird. The yellow is for the love bird. 

We rolled back and we were amazing. That night me and Haymitch just ate snacks and did random stuff. "Can you still do a cartwheel?" He asked. "Yes!" I told him. "What about the whole bow and feet thing?" He wondered. "I do not really know" I told him. "That was still a badass moment. I wish I could have seen it" He smiled. 

The next morning was training. We were in these outfits. Lucky for me I was in a tanktop. We were told to make allies. I walked to Katniss and Peeta. "Hey do you want to be allies with me?" I joked. They turned around. "Oh Mavis!" Katniss said and went to me. I threw my arms around her. "Mavis I am glad to know we have two people here!" Peeta game me a hug. "Right. Me and Locksmith have your backs!" I told them. "Do we?" Everyone looked at him. "Nah I am kidding if you are good with my birdy then you are good with me" He told them and grabbed my arm. 

I smiled. Me and Locksmith grew close over time. I think we will just grow closer over time. I just do not want our time to be over. That will crush me. 

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