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I was walking with Anna. We were just walking about when load's of trucks came in. It was weird. "What is that?" She asked me. "I have no clue" I told her. There was a shot. "Come on!" I told her and we started running. People were going everywhere. I was scared. I was running around. I seen a older lady. 

"Miss Jackie!" I yelled. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Just my hip dear" She was limping. "Here sit" I flipped this tire over. She sat down. There was this loud scream. "Anna stay with miss Jackie!" I instructed. "No" She spoke. I looked at her. "I'm not" "Annabella this is not time for games I have no idea what is going on!" I told her. 

"You're not my mom, you're not my dad I can do what I want!" She yelled. I was a little hurt. "okay" I told her low. I turned around and started running. There was this man being hit in the center by a man. 

"Stop!" I yelled. "Stop it!" I yelled. I had enough. I ran and tackled him. We flipped and flopped and rolled and punched. We both broke free and looked at each other. He tried to hit me but I dodged. "You don't want to do this!" I warned him. "What makes you think that?" He asked.

"You don't want to make president snow mad do you?" I asked. "I won the 74th hunger games. If you kill me. I know someone who will make sure you die and suffer way more than me" I spoke. He laughed. "What kind of connections does a young girl like you have?" He asked. "Hold up!" I heard someone yelling. Locksmith. 

"I am so sorry commander I know you are new and she is just a girl who is not doing well right now so can we just stick this all behind us?" Locksmith asked. "Why should I?" "Because she is not wrong. President snow will be really furious if she dies." Locksmith answered. He looked around. "Leave now and take him too!" He shouted. Me and Locksmith got the man out. I carried him but Locksmith took him when I had to go find my sister. 

I ran down the road she was on. I seen someone grabbing miss Jackie. I ran over and punched them down. "Come on" I told her as I helped her hop. "Annabella ran somewhere I do not know where" Jackie explained. "It's okay" I told her. We got home. 

"Daddy!" I yelled as I opened the door. I heard his cane as he walked in here. "Whoa" He said. I flung the table cloth off and we threw the guy on the table. He was young. He hand blonde hair. "Go get the stitching kit and a bottle off my dresser!" My dad said. I ran and did so. 

My dad tipped the bottle on him. He screamed in pain. I felt terrible. My dad was stitching the deep wounds. "Mavis!" He called. I walked to him. "Go get that cream from you know" He instructed. I nodded and took off. I was running in the woods. I went to Grandmas house. 

I busted in. "Grandma!" I said. "Hello songbird" "You need to come to my house! There are people searching and breaking things and I have no idea why. Maybe they are looking for you!" I was freaking out. She grabbed my face. "I aint going no where any time soon darling" "Grandma enough of it! You could taken and beaten if that person find you. Who even is that person?" I questioned. 

She just looked down. "Is it president snow?" I asked. "Do you think it is?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Do you have evidence?" She questioned. "Kind off" She smiled. "Those are the only things that matter then darling. If I tell you no I could be lying if I told you yes I could be lying." She told me. I nodded. 

"I need some healing cream" I told her. "You know where it is" She smiled. I went and grabbed a jar. "Thank you Grandma I love you" I hugged her. "I love you" She told me. I made my way back home. 

Annabella pov:

"You can come out!" My grandma yelled. I opened the closet door and walked out. "Thank you for not telling her" I told her. "You're welcome. What is the issue here?" She questioned. I took a breath. "It's just ever since she got back she is different. She has been keeping to herself. She gets so angry over everything. She doesn't cry. She act's like she can be everyone's hero." I explained. 

Grandma Lucy smiled low. She took a deep breath. "I know you watched your sister playing the game. You seen what she had to go through. Could you imagine all of that? A little girl you were protecting dies right next to you. I think it made her think of you in a way. Then you start to gain feelings for someone and they die because they did not stop. Not even to mention she had to nurse him back to health. Also while trying to protect her own friend from back home. Then at the end she lives and gets shit thrown at her? Darling she will fragile. Anything can make or break her now and we just have to watch for someone to break the glass." She explained. I wiped the tear that slipped out my eye. 

"I know everything is a lot with Rick and then your sister coming back traumatized and having to take care of you and father. She is trying to get by best she can" "I do not need her to take care of me!" "Darling you do. It may not seem like it but you do. You both need to take care of each other" She told me. 

Mavis Pov:

The guy was healing well. I felt terrible for him. I am worried about my sister. She has never stayed gone for this long. Was it something I did? Am I too controlling? I can back off if she wants me too.  I heard my father coughing. I walked to his room. "Do you need some tea?" I offered. "I am fine sweetie thank you" "Yeah". 

I finally had enough. I was going to find Annabelle even with the new rule. I opened the door but someone was standing there. "Annabella!" I shouted and grabbed her. She threw her arms around me. "I'm sorry" She repeated. "Don't ever do that to me again I was worried sick!" I scolded her. "I was at grandmas!" She spoke. I nodded my head. "Okay just.. No more running off please" I told her. "Okay" "Now go eat something" I told her. 

The next day was spent boring. I felt nervous all day. I think with the new commander just threw me off. "Snow is having a talk!" My father shouted. I walked and looked. I sat next to Annabella. 

"This is the 75th year of the hunger games. And it was written in the charter of the games that every 25 years there will be a quarter quell to keep fresh for every new generation, the memory of those who died in the uprising against the capitol. Each quarter quell is distinguished by games of a special significance and now on this 75th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion. We celebrate the 3rd quarter quell. As a reminder that even the strongest cannot over come the power of the capital. On this, the 3rd quarter quell games.. The male and female tributes are to be reaped from their existing pool of victors in each district. Victors shall present themselves on reaping day." Snow announced. 

I stopped breathing. Everything was spinning. "No" I whispered. Everything started shaking on me. "I cant do it again please!" I yelled. I heard Locksmith scream from his own house. I stood up and started smashing things. "Dad I cant go again!" I yelled at him while he had his face in his hands. 

I looked at Annabella and ran to her. "I cant go again!" I screamed at her. I was hyperventilating. I ran to the corner of the room and threw my hands in my hair.  

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