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We were all just walking in the woods. Me and Drake were hand in hand. We both had a pocket full of nightlock. There was a noise. "Did you hear that?" Peeta asked. "Yeah" I whispered. It is all over the place. "What is that?" Petta asked. "It's the finale" me and kat said. 

I had no idea what they were going to send my way but I did not like it. The cannon blew. Rue's partner. I closed my eyes for a moment. "lets go" Katniss said. We were hearing the noises. 

I was ready with my sword. Then they stopped. That was until something jumped out at Peeta. I swung my sword down on them. Katniss shot them with an arrow. We started running. I have no idea what that thing was but I did not want to know. 

We ran to the middle. Peeta boasted up Katniss. I tripped. I heard the dogs barking. "MAVIS!" They all yelled. I looked at them on top of the thing. Any second now I know I was going to feel a row of teeth biting into me. So in the last seconds I had I did what I did best. I chose to sing a song.

"You're heading for heaven. The sweet old hereafter. And I've got one foot in the door. But before I can fly up. I've loose ends to tie up. Right here in the old therebefore" 

I looked and the things were not coming towards me. I stood up. 

"Ill be along when I've finished my song. When I've shut down the band. Played out my hand. Paid all my debts. Have no regrets, Right here in the old therebefore." 

I paused the song. They turned around and ran back to me. 

"Ill catch you up when I've emptied my cup. When I've worn out my friend's when I've burned out both ends. When I cried all my tears, When I've conquered my fears right here, in the old therebefore. When nothing is left anymore" 

I was making my way to everyone else. I was walking slowly and carefully. I looked up and seen they were fighting Cato. "Keep singing!" Katniss yelled. 

"Ill bring the news when I've dance off my shoes, when my body's closed down, when my boat's run aground. When I've tallied the score, and I'm flat on the floor. Right here in the old therebefore... When nothing is left anymore" 

"Now!" Drake yelled. Cato went to the ground and the dogs ran behind me. They ran to the edge and helped me up. We all did a group hug. The sky went from dark to day. We all shared a look and got down. 

"Attention attention tributes! There has been a slight rule change. The previous revision allowing for two victors from the same district has been revoked. Only one victor may be crowned. Good luck .. and may the odds be ever in your favor." They announced. 

We all four looked at each other. I dug in my pocket and pulled out the nightlock. "It's been real and its been fun but it hasn't been real fun!" I joked one last time. "This was our plan all along" Drake said with his berries. "No!" Katniss said and took my arm. "One of us 4 have to win. Before they changed the rules we were going to do this for you two. You are my best friend Katniss and I love you. Peeta you are sweet to my friend so thank you" I explained. 

"Wait!" Drake said and pulled me aside. "I love you Mavis!" He told me. I smiled. "I love you Drake" We kissed. I looked at Katniss and smiled. She had tears. "You'll never get away from the sound of the women who loves you" I told her and hugged her again. 

I was actually talking to snow. President snow. I figured who the man was my grandma was talking about. She wrote a song. "Pure as the driven snow". She also hates winter when it snows. She said he had a lot of power. I am glad I figured it out. 

BURNT. (The hunger games series!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang