Chapter Fifteen

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Ashanti eyes fluttered as she began to wake up. She went to move, but couldn't. She fully woke up and looked to see the she was tied to a chair in the middle of the living room. It was dark, but the only thing keeping the room lit were flashing police lights from outside. The window she had broken earlier was covered with cardboard.

"Glad you're awake, sleeping beauty." Eric from next to her, pressing his gun to her temple.

"E-Eric, please..." she managed to say.

"No, don't Eric me now! All you had to do was stay here! All you had to do was listen to me and this could've been avoided!" He yelled, pushing the gun harder against her head.

"Eric.. y-you can still give up... you still have time.. it doesn't have to end like this..." she said through her tears.

"Shut up! I knew I should've killed yo ass when I had the chance, but I was too damn in love to do it!"

Ashanti saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She glanced to see an officer in full swat gear, peaking around the corner from the kitchen. Eric had his back towards the kitchen entrance, so he didn't notice them standing there.

The officer and her made eye contact and he motioned for her to say quiet. She felt her heart race when she heard Eric cock his gun back, leaving it pointed to her head.

"Eric, please! Please, don't! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She begged.

"It's too late for you to say sorry, Ashanti. Let's see how your pretty boy cop feels when he finds your brains splattered."

Ashanti closed her eyes and braced herself for the pain to come. Eric counted down and right when he got to one, there was a loud gunshot sound. Ashanti's body flinched at the sound, but felt nothing. Her eyes snapped open and she looked in shock as Eric's body fell next to her, blood coming from his head.

It all happened so quickly. The swat team rushed in and someone cut Ashanti from the chair before carrying her outside. She was put onto a gurney in the back of the ambulance and she looked at the person who carried her.

"Joseph... where's Lucas?" She asked.

"Hey, Shanti, Lucas is going to meet us at the hospital, but I just need you to let the paramedics help you." He said, gently laying me back.


Lucas was asleep when the sounds of someone frantically banging in his front door sounded the house. He climbed out of bed and looked at his phone.

3:44 am

17 missed calls

12 voicemails

30+ text messages

He quickly rushed downstairs and opened the door to see Nate with a grin on his face.

"They found her, she's alive."

A wave of relief came over him as he grabbed his car keys and followed Nate to the hospital. When they got there, there was media outside and a heavy police presence. He parked his car and followed Nate into the hospital. As they got closer to the floor, Lucas became more nervous.

He thought back to his comments about finding her dead and felt sick to his stomach that he even thought like that. When they got to the floor, they were approached by Joseph. Lucas pulled him into a tight hug then pulled away.

"Hey, before you go in, prepare yourself." Joseph warned.

Lucas nodded before making his way to her room. He grabbed the door handle and took a deep breath before walking end. He has to control the anger that grew in him when he saw her. She had a busted lip, bruises all over her arms, a black eye that was heeling and a cut above her eyebrow. 

Tears swelled in her eyes when she saw Lucas standing there. He didn't say anything, he simply walked over and pulled her into a hug. She began to sob and he hugged her tighter as he kissed her head.

"Sh, mi amor, I'm here." He whispered as she clung to him.

Her whimpering cries turned into screams of pain and Lucas took a step back, staring wide eyed. Ashanti fell back in pain as her hand went to her stomach. Confused, Lucas pulled back the sheets to see there was blood coming from between her legs. He ran to the door, calling for a nurse. Soon the room was filled with nurses, hooking her up.

"What's going on?" Lucas asked amidst the chaos.

"She's experiencing a placenta abruption. Ms. Pierce, you're going to have to have the baby now." The nurse said as they began prepping.

"What? N-no, it's still early." Ashanti argued.

"You don't have a choice. Either you have this baby now or the baby dies and you risk bleeding out and you die."

Hearing those words made Lucas's heart race. He rushed to Ashanti's side, grabbing her hand. "You'll be fine. You need to do this."

He gave her a kiss before she was being moved from the room. He tried to follow but was told he had to stay back. Lucas ran his hands through his hair as he watched the door close. He only had a view of her through the narrow window before they turned a corner and was no longer in eyesight.

"Is everything okay?" Nate asked.

Lucas shook his head as he pulled out his phone, calling Cheryl. "Lucas, how is she?"

"She's having the baby, Cheryl. I-.. can you just make sure everyone and my parents come up." He said.

"Oh my, of course, we'll all be up there soon."

Lucas went down to the lobby area as he sat down. Nate and Joseph sat on both sides of him and placed a hand of comfort on his shoulder. Eventually, their families arrived and sat with him.

Lucas took a deep breath as he leaned back in his chair. He pulled out a ring box and twirled it between his fingers.

"Is that what I think that is?" Vanessa asked as her eyes landed on the box.

He nodded. "I've had this since we got back from Barcelona. I love your sister more than anything and I feel like I've failed her."

"Trust me, you haven't. She's a fighter and always has been. When this is all said and done, we're going to plan something nice and you are going to propose." Vanessa said confidently.

It was another hour of waiting before the doctor came out. "Is she okay?" Lucas asked as he stood up.

"They are both fine. You have a beautiful little girl.." the doctor smiled.

Lucas clasped his hands together and looked up at the ceiling. "Gracias Dios por todo." [Thank you God for everything.]

He followed the doctor to the room where they were. His hands began to sweat as he reached out for the door. He walked in to see a nurse tending to Ashanti. He frowned to himself when he saw that her stomach was no longer swollen. He was upset that he was robbed of the experience to see her belly grow with life, but brushed aside those emotions for later.

"Hey, how are you feeling, mama?" He asked Ashanti as he pushed one of her braids from her face.

She turned to him, but her eyes were barely open. "I'm tired and in pain.... Have you seen her yet?"

Lucas shook his head just as the nurse wheeled the bassinet to him. She reached in and held the bundle out towards him. His heart raced as he positioned his arms so that the nurse rested the baby in his arms. She was so tiny, so fragile.

Her eyes were closed and glossed over with liquid and her tiny fingers stuck out from the blanket. He walked over to the couch and took a seat as he held on to her as tight as he could. He didn't want to ever let her go.

"We have to name her." He stated.

"I like the names Elena and Jasmine."

Lucas looked down at the treasure in his arms, eyeing her intently, then smiled. "Elena Jasmine Moreno."

Ashanti smiled. "That's a perfect name."

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