19- I have answers

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Germany POV [YES! A NEW POV!]:

     It's hard to believe... I knew there was a possibility he would forget, but it was a very low chance. Then again, my luck is anything but good, if it's even considered to be luck. For all I know it's... what is the term used in Hinduism? Right, karma, it could be karma for my past relatives' actions. After... America, I think, took off the ropes I stood up and brushed myself off. I looked at the group of countries in front of me, Polen, America, Russia, and Philippines. All powerful countries, according to... never mind. I don't need to think of him, not now anyway.

     "This way," I said, pointing down a hallway, "and like I said before, prepare to fight," then I strode down the hallway. The four countries followed behind me, America walking next to me and asking questions. "So, do you know why my brother came back?" He asked, "And why haven't I seen you before?" I pinched the bridge of my nose as I walked. This man and all his questions, so many and it's giving me a headache. "Oh, and who's in charge here?" America continued on with his questions, "What's your power? How does this place exist?" and so on.

     I sighed and glared at the nosy and annoying American. "Shut. Up," I growled, "You're giving me a god damn headache," he looked disappointed and nodded, slowing down and started talking with Philippines. Then Russia walked up next to me, he was more... quiet and discreet about his questions. "Sorry about Ame, he's... interesting," Russia said quietly, "You'll get used to it," I nodded, I would hope I get used to it; the way America rambles on and on, not giving any time to respond or answer. It's maddening!

     "It's alright Russia," I replied, "From what Confederate has told me of him, I'm well aware of his... disruptive tendencies," there was no other way to say it. Confederate always called him an annoying parrot that never runs out of breath and can keep talking until he falls asleep. Assuming America would even sleep, Confederate also mentioned that his brother has insomnia. But Confederate has been proven to be unreliable, especially for information. "So..." Russia started, "Do you... know the reason why my father's company 'collapsed', like any idea or information?" I averted my gaze to the long and dark hallway in front of me.

     He understood, he knows that I do, in fact, know something about the reason why his Vater's company collapsed. "I may know something about it," I stated without looking at him, "But first you'll have to do me a big favor," Russia's eyes narrowed and he looked at me. "It's the reason you're here," I mentioned, which got his attention, "Kill the boss, I get out of here and I can give you any and all info on that 'incident' you want," Russia 'hmm'ed in thought, thinking about it. He's already going to do it anyway, defeat her, and we can all leave without any negative consequences.

     "Since we're already all going to do that anyway," Russia mumbled, "I guess that works..." I nodded and made a left turn. "Alright, be quiet and I suggest getting your weapons or whatever out now," I told the group, then I pointed to a pair of shoji doors at the end of the hall, "That's where she is, I'll stay out here. Good luck," they all nodded and walked down the hallway. I watched them in silence as they walked closer and closer to the doors, I saw America tense up at the sight of the shoji doors... for good reason.

Poland POV:

     When America saw the doors, he became more tense. Russia looked back at him, so did Phil, "Ame?" Russia asked, America shook his head. "I'm fine, just... I already know who this lady is," America whispered, he looked at Phil, "I'm surprised you haven't realized yet, Phil," then Phil looked at the doors closely. Phil stepped back, eyes wide and his hands trembling in fear. "No... way... You're sure it's her America?" Phil asked America, in disbelief, America nodded, and Phil took a deep breath. America took a step towards the door and pulled a handgun out from its holster, on his waist. He looked at Russia and nodded, then Russia swung open the doors.

     America swiftly walked inside, pointing his gun wherever he looked. He looked alert and on edge, so did Phil who held a small balisong knife. Russia held a ball of very compacted tinfoil, ready to turn it into anything at a moment's notice. Then the doors slid closed, making everyone turn their attention to the doors. I didn't look back though, I stood behind the group calm and collected. My mind was racing though, thinking of all the possible ways this could go wrong.

     What if it's an enemy I don't know how to fight? Will I be in the way of the fighting? How will Phil handle being in combat? Phil is too attached to things; he wouldn't even hurt a weed. A fucking weed! Why did Germany agree to help us? Where is this lady that America and Phil seem so cautious about? Is she going to ambush us? Are we going to be dead in minutes because of her? Who even is she? This makes no sense... why did the doors close on their own? What am I going to do if someone gets hurt because of my plan? 

     Russia tapped my shoulder, shaking me out of my questions and worries. He pointed behind me and I turned around slowly. I saw... a fox... a red fox, an animal? Really, is this what we're fighting? When America and Phil turned around and saw the fox, America immediately shot at it with his gun. The sudden gunshots made me jump and Russia seemed confused as to why America was shooting at an animal. Phil, surprisingly, wasn't trying to stop America... He was actually hiding behind America.

     The fox dodged each of America's bullets with a kind of mesmerizing grace. After America gave up on trying to shoot the fox into the afterlife, the fox bared its sharp teeth... almost like a taunting smile. It seemed too human to be a foxes' real expression. Then the fox started to chuckle, but it sounded old... like a grandma laughing. Slowly the fox started to shift into a more humanoid shape. The previously red fur turning into a dark green uniform, most of the red on its face turning white... except for narrow, acute triangles, making the red lines look like rays of blood red sunlight.

"I'm surprised you have the nerve America," Imperial Japan sneered, "Especially after that unfortunate seventh of December," America glared at the country, in fury and annoyance.


I just got called insane 5 times today for saying I want to do AP Human Geography next year in 9th grade... I can do history and language arts... but science, math, and Mandarin are practically slowly killing me. Now my mom's having me translate these letters from Taiwan so she can piece together my grandparents story (since they're a little kookoo)... the gtood news is I get paid a dollar per page!

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