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Russia POV:

     Jeez, I knew that Poland would be demanding but the second I mentioned Mr. Richmond he demanded I tell him what happened. "Well, I bumped into him while I was going to buy the stuff," I summarized, "then I apologized, and he said his name is Jeffrey Richmond or something?" I couldn't really remember his name. Poland and Ame looked at each other, and they look dead serious. Poland being that serious isn't really a big deal, but Ame? He's never been completely serious since I've known him. "Was his name Jefferson Richmond?" Ame asked me, I slowly nodded... How does he know him?

     Ame brought his hand up to his face and sat there thinking. Czechia and Philippines looked concerned for Ame, even Poland did! So, Ame probably doesn't have a good relationship with Mr. Richmond by the looks of his reaction. "Do... you know him?" I asked, Ame looked at me and sighed. "Yes, I do know him... He just calls himself Jefferson to avoid detection," Ame said, that really confused me. "Is Jefferson not his actually name?" I asked, Poland nodded and so did Ame... how does Poland know who this is? "His actual name is Confederate Richmond," Ame stated, "and he's my younger brother... not adopted like my other siblings." Well... that's a not what I was expecting.

     "Wait... isn't the Confederacy the one who caused the American Civil War?" I asked. "The deadliest and bloodiest war in American history?" Ame continued, "Yeah, that's the guy. The Confederate States of America." I sighed, that's not good... for Ame anyway, but Poland's hands are shaking... Why? That's unusual for Poland. Yes, he's alert and on edge all the time, but I've never seen his hands shake. This Confederate, Jeffery, Richmond, CSA, Ame's actual brother, whoever he is definitely not a good guy. I actually think this might be the worst thing to happen.

     "I thought I killed him though..." Ame whispered, "I shot him... a lot..." I was surprised by Ame's sudden seriousness. He was already serious but now it's just terrifying, he's not joking at all, he's not acting casual or like it's a daily occurrence, he's acting like someone just got raised from the dead in front of him... Wait I guess Confederate did technically raise from the dead, according to Ame. "Maybe you didn't kill him, and he just had some good luck?" Philippines asked, Ame shook his head. "No, I made sure he was dead... and I didn't like doing it but I had too." he said, his voice just above a whisper.

No one POV:

     An hourglass defying gravity is sitting on a shelf, a shelf filled with many different trinkets. A small cabin with a family of 8 living inside it. It's safe inside and around the cabin, it's so safe the world has forgotten about its small yet important existence. But not the whole world forgot about it, there's some who still remember. The Russian Empire, the Austrian Empire, and Prussia... they haven't forgotten, and they know the power residing inside the small insignificant cabin.

      As the three former countries prepare for a fight, the PLC knows exactly what's going on. He already sent his wife away, somewhere safer, somewhere where nothing will hurt her. He hid his children, but only trusted one of them enough to remember, to protect, to stay loyal. He pulled his only trustworthy son aside and grabbed the hourglass. "Wyciągnij rękę, mój synu." His father said calmly but urgently. When his son held out his hand, he grabbed the hourglass and put it in his sons' hands. "To jest wyjątkowe, jest sprzeczne ze wszystkim, ponieważ przeciwstawisz się wszystkim, którzy próbują cię skrzywdzić i skrzywdzić.Będzie bezpieczny w twoich rękach, nie zawsze będzie obecny, ale kiedy będziesz go chciał, będzie z tobą". the father finished.

     Then the father hid that son with the others, hoping they'll be safe. He heard the enemies at his door, and he grabbed his weapon and waited patiently. If anything goes wrong, devastation will follow. The door swung open and in stepped the enemies. They all had a small talk, a talk about how PLC will never return to see his children. PLC already knew that, he's known for a while now, and he accepts it. He'll still fight back, but he knows his fate is among the worthy and gone.


     After the enemies got rid of PLC they searched for their prizes. They weren't looking for the children, they found them by accident, they wanted a gravity defying hourglass, one that PLC had in his possession. One the PLC made himself, no one knows why, not even his children knew why. According to the enemies' sources, the hourglass had a special purpose that could either cause something great, or something painful. The smallest son, a country with red and white, hid behind the rest of his siblings. He did what he did best, he made himself feel invisible. He's learned that if you feel invisible you are invisible, if you're in dark shadows that's even better, if there's a group of brightly colored people that's the best.

     The enemies took all the children, all but the invisible one, the one who would always remember. He was young, but he's strong and will remember, he mentally promised his father he would remember no matter what. The boy stayed in his shadowed hiding spot for hours, those hours turned into days, and those days turned into a week. That's when he finally emerged, scared, hungry, and thirsty he went up to his room and crawled under his bed. He lifted up a loose floorboard and reached his hand in the cold small hole he dug there. His hand pulled out a small pack of food and a smaller pouch of water.

     He crawled out of his bed and walked out the door, a young boy not even 8 years old, went on an adventure to get his revenge. Slowly but surely, he will get it. As he trekked through a forest, snowy, lifeless forest he felt himself getting colder. So cold he could stop walking and freeze on the spot, just collapse from the cold. But when he did stumble on a rock hidden by the snow, he didn't feel cold. He felt a warm and comforting aura around him. When he looked up, he saw nothing. When he looked down, he still saw nothing. But when he decided to look behind his back, he saw them. Brilliant, large, flaming wings emerging from his back.

     His father always called him special, but he never knew why. Now he knows, he has an ability, some magical powers. It could be called witchcraft; he has to be careful about this. He doesn't want to die before he exacts his revenge. He looked and his wings more, he observed them, then he remembered of a creature his mother told him about. A bird that never dies, well, it does die. But instead, it bursts in flames and emerges as a small chick and repeats the cycle. Is that what he is? A country with phoenix abilities? That's the best thing that could happen to him, especially now in a freezing cold environment.


Yessss... finally I got to throw that in!

A Flame of Revenge|A Superpower AU|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant