16-A new attitude

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Philippines POV:

     When I woke up the next morning, I felt more like myself, no like the little pain in the ass I was last night. I got out of bed and changed into some black sweatpants, a light gray T-shirt, and I tied a pastel blue windbreaker around my waist, now I'm ready for all the shit that's about to go down. The door crack open and I saw America poke his head in, "Hey Phil, Poland sent me to make sure you were getting ready," He told me, "Also, we're planning to leave a quarter before noon," Then he closed the door and I remembered... I have to teleport them to the... what did Poland call it? The Somewhere? Yeah, that sounds right.


     When I stepped out of my room, I noticed Russia making something, while looking at a recipe on his phone... What's he making? It smells good though... I smelled coffee, bacon, and eggs. Seems like a simple breakfast, but why is Russia looking at a recipe on his phone? Bacon and eggs aren't really anything you need a recipe for, and from what I've had at Russia's house, he's a good cook. I walked out the hallway and saw America and Poland eating the bacon and eggs, America having a white mug with coffee inside. Russia finished whatever he was making and looked at me, "Oh... I have some lugaw if you want it," he said, handing me a bowl filled with lugaw. So that's why he needed a recipe, he was making a breakfast from my country.

     That's really nice of him, I guess it's because I have to teleport all of us to the Somewhere... other than Czech, he'll stay here. I sat down at the table and started to eat; this is actually really good! I mean, it was already good, but it tastes really good. Russia seemed happy that I liked it and, he sat down next to America, had his own breakfast. I looked over at a clock that Russia put on the wall, 10:27. Huh... so about an hour and 10 minutes until I have to take them to the Somewhere. Poland looked at me, after he finished his breakfast, "Do you think eating food from your country will help you feel better after we teleport?" He asked, I tilted my head to the side and thought about it, I nodded.

     When everyone finished their food, we all did our own things to prepare for the, highly probable, fight ahead. Russia wrote a quick note to his siblings just in case he "doesn't make it back" and America is busy doing nothing, not really anyway. He just made sure he had extra bullets, mags, knives, guns, grenades, everything that people stereotype him to be... or at least used to, before he disappeared. I actually don't even know how he found me, Czech, and Poland... he just showed up one day and said he wanted to help. Poland seemed to understand instantly and let him join us, it took me and Czech a little while to accept him.

     Poland was in his room double checking all his stuff, I was with him to check on Czech. According to Poland he woke up at 3 in the morning, then Czech went to sleep... why was Poland up that late? I will never understand Poland fully, he's like an endless escape room. You have to solve puzzles and mysteries to get to the next room; but when you do it's harder and harder, and it seems like there's no end nearby. It's fine, as long as we can do what we need to, then we can finally return to the public... I'm really only worried about the attention after. But with America being gone for years, a major business owner from a family of successful heroes, most of the attention will probably be focused on him. Which I would greatly appreciate.

Russia POV:

     I made sure the note was somewhere easily visible, that way if my siblings do decide to walk into my apartment they'll know where I am and when to know when I'm most likely dead... If I do die, which isn't too likely.... I hope. I wrote down todays date as well, that was the time frame of knowing when to panic actually works. The only thing I'm not sure about is the way time flows in the Somewhere, is it slower, is it faster, does it flow the same way as Pangaea City?

     When I turned around to look at Ame, he was already looking at me. "Hey... are you sure you want to go with us Rus?" He asked me, concerned. I nodded, "I'm very sure, Ame, if I don't this could go downhill," I sighed, "Besides, I'm not leaving the one person I love to go kick ass alone. I gotta have some of the glory too y'know," Ame laughed and nodded in understanding. I looked at Ame's two backpacks, filled with different kinds of weapons, knives, pistols, grenades, even a... why an eggbeater? Why do I love this idiot again?

     Ame noticed I was looking at the eggbeater, "It's got batteries, so it doesn't need to be plugged in, and it does some damage to fingers... it really hurts, a lot," He said... I know it would hurt, but he sounds like he's had experience. I looked at him with a 'what did you do?' look, he smiled and laughed. "Don't ask, it's a long story," He concluded. That still doesn't answer my question, but it'll work for now, I guess. Ame looks at the clock on the wall and I do too. "We've got 10 minutes until we have to go," Ame noted, I nodded. I left Ame to his... weapons and eggbeater, and I walked over to Poland's room. I knocked on it lightly before looking inside. "Hey, guys, we have ten minutes until we have to leave," I told them, "I suggest you tell Phil how to get to the Somewhere Poland, since you're the only one who knows where it is," Then I closed the door and waited.


This is fun... really fun. Also, yesterday while I was typing with a friend, I learned that 1,000 to 5,000 words is a chapter. Most chapters fall in the 2,000 and 4,000 range though, I'm so glad to know that I've been writing actual chapters according to google. I try to write 1,000 words per chapter, and it's considered an actual chapter, I so happy!!

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