7-Mr. Richmond

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Third Person POV(Excuse the terrible accent, I'm trying to figure it out):

     -Somewhere in Pangaea City-

     "Whoo! We got 'em didn't we ya Jap?" Said a male voice with a southern accent. A Kitsune leaped down from its regal Chrysanthemum Throne. The Kitsune shifted into an elderly woman, with wrinkly but pale skin. "How do we know that for sure," The Japanese woman spoke in surprisingly good English, "Send someone to check!" The male rolled his eyes. "Why don'tcha go do it yourself." Said the male, annoyance clearly shown on his face and in his tone. The Japanese woman glared at the male and strode up to him. "Listen here Mr. Richmond," Growled the woman, "If it weren't for that bakayarou, America, we'd both be in a better place!" The male scoffed and smiled.

     "Fine, I'll go check it out." He said pivoting on his heels and exiting the room. The woman walked back to her throne and sat on it, like she owned the world, and called out to the man one last time. "Make sure you cover up that flag of yours, I know you're going out. Better pretend you're a human, Baka!" She called; the man didn't respond but she knew he got the message. As the woman relaxed on her throne she shifted back into her foxlike form.

     When the man exited the room, he walked to another country sitting at a desk, doing work. "How'd your pops deal with that demon of a woman?" asked the man, the country shrugged. "How would I know Mr. Richmond," Responded the country, "I never witnessed the actions of the axis." The man nodded in understanding. The man glared back at the room where he came from, "How'd the demon even get outta jail?" he asked. The country shrugged again, "Now, is there anything you need, or can I go back to doing my work?" he looked up at the man with his bright red eyes. "Huh, those eyes look just like your pops" The man noted, the country glared at the man and started to protest against that. "I'm n-" The country tried to say but the man cut him off, "I know, Y'aint your pops. I'm goin' ta head out now." Then the man left.

Russia POV:

      Ame didn't seem too thrilled to be back in the building, not surprised, he never liked it anyway. Czechia and Philippines were busy looking at everything and apparently only me and Poland seemed interested in getting all of their stuff put away. I gave Poland and his bag some space, I don't need him trying to kill me tonight, and I focused on putting their shared belongings in a drawer of a tall cabinet that I just decided looked nice there... even though there wasn't anything for me to put in it, but that's unimportant.

     After I finished putting all of their shared belongings, like cups and plates and silverware... well more like plastic ware, I picked up Czechia's and Philippines bags and took them to a different room. I put their bags on the ground next to the door and I sent the two countries to go put their stuff away in their new room. Ame seemed pretty set up in the living room so I let him stay there, I did make him put his stuff away though, I don't need him to dump all his stuff on the floor. Poland didn't look like he knew where to put his stuff, I guess I'm going to have to hope I don't die tonight... Oh joy...

     I slowly walked up to Poland and cleared my throat to make sure he knew I was around him. He looked at me and I sighed, "I figured you would want your own room so you can take the second guest room." I told him and pointed down a hallway. He nodded and walked down the hallway and into the room. When Poland was in his room I walked back into the living room and decided to talk with Ame. "Hey, Ame, how's being back in the building?" I asked, he shrugged and pointed to the TV. "It's a good thing you saw that flag, we would be some very crispy and burnt corpses right now." He said, I nodded, I guess we would have been burned to death in the warehouse if we didn't see the flag.

     "Do... you know why Poland seems to dislike me so much?" I asked Ame, He sighed and looked up at me from the couch. "Yeah, I do know..." He said, "It's just not for me to explain, once he feels like it he'll tell you. It helps with the... uh thinking he does" I'm so confused, but I nodded. "So... Canada and New Zealand are doing well." I mentioned, Ame turned off the TV and looked at me. "You mean... you met them?" He asked, I nodded and sat down next to him on the couch. "Yeah, did you ever get to learn their powers?" I asked him, he see-sawed his hand. "I know New Zealand needs to figure out how to turn into what he wants," He explained, "But I don't know what Canada can do, I ignored him too often... work, y'know?" I nodded, it's not good but it's true.

     "Well, Canada has a very similar power to you." I told Ame, "He can control people's minds if he's given permission... and when he does, he can read their minds." I glanced at Ame, and he sighed. He didn't say much, he just muttered some very colorful words that I prefer to not repeat in my head. "So... he has do deal with people's hidden trauma?" He asked, not the question I was expecting but I guess it's true, I nodded. I smiled, "Hey we at least know that New Zealand can try to turn into a lion and end up as a puppy." Ame smiled and nodded, "That's true Rus, that's true."


Who's this Mr. Richmond I have introduced to the story? Who's this working country? Will  Philippines and Czechia ever stop being amazed by Russia's stuff? I don't really have an answer for the last one, but I do have answers for the other two!

I'm so excited right now! I'm also trying so hard to drag out this story so it's longer than 20 chapters... I'm hoping for at least 25, but we'll see. Writing over 1000 words each chapter is harder than it already sounds... unless you write a lot then that's pretty normal. It helps when you have ideas for it though, because then you kind of just keep writing non-stop... This is why I love writing <3.

A Flame of Revenge|A Superpower AU|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora