A forehead rested against mine and I instantly recognized it as Blue's.

I wrapped my arms around Blue and shoved my head into his neck. 

"Hi, attack dog," I mumbled.

"Hello, shithead," Blue grunted.

I laughed. "Only you can swear at somebody and still comfort them."

I felt Blue nod. "I don't do comfort."

I laughed and brought my head up from his neck. 

"I know you don't Blue-bell." I kissed his forehead and then dragged him back over to the chair. I forced him to sit in my lap and hugged him. 

I heard him sigh. "Why can't Phil be your fucking stuff-animal?"

"Cause," I grumbled, shoving my face back into his neck, "Phil doesn't sit still. You're like my support/attack dog."

"Just do the fucking interrogation," Blue growled.

I heard someone clear their throat. "I need to do an arm wrestle with him," I heard Captain America say.

Blue growled. "I wanna tear your fucking throat out right now."

"Blue-bell," I warned, bringing my face up from his neck. "He's off limits."

Blue scoffed. "Fine."

I moved Blue so I could put my arm on the table. Captain America did the same and we started to arm wrestle. Just four seconds later my hand slammed into the table.

I sighed. "Blue-bell, arm wrestle Captain America."

Blue put his arm on the table and gripped Captain America's.

"Can I try to beat him?" Blue asked me.

I nodded. "Sure Blue-bell."

Blue and Captain America started to wrestle, both of their arm muscles strained as they did. After 20 seconds Captain America's arm started to go down and then it banged against the table.

Captain America's mouth gaped open. "You won!"

I nodded. "Blue is really strong."

"Do you know if he was injected with anything?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

Captain America nodded and then got up. "Hawkeye's gonna come in."

He left and Hawkeye walked into the room. "We are gonna play Call of Duty. Is your friend playing too?"

"Blue wont touch electronics. I can tell you though that he can use almost any weapon you give him. He'll do whatever I ask when we're in a fight and if y'all make him your ally then he'll follow you to hell and fight the devil."

Hawkeye nodded and looked at Blue, who was still sitting in my lap and staring at Hawkeye with emotionless eyes. He kinda looked like a robot.

Hawkeye nodded. "Well, um, okay, I guess. Let's just play then. He might have to get out of your lap."

I shook my head. "He's staying in my lap."

Blue groaned quietly. 

I slapped the back of Blue's head. "Oh shut it, attack dog."

I saw Hawkeye chuckle. I winked at him and half-carried half-dragged Blue over to a controller.

Hawkeye and I played Call of Duty for around half an hour before we decided it was a tie. He gave me a high five and smiled.

"You're really good at strategy, dude," he praised.

I smiled. "I was the gang's top strategist."

He nodded and smiled. "I can tell."

Gangster meets AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now