2: The Front Seat

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"I could've driven myself to school, you know. I have a car now," I grin.

"Yeah, but I wanted an excuse to see you sooner," Ahaan smiles back brightly, too brightly for someone who is returning to school.

"You saw me nearly every day during the summer."

"It's never enough," Ahaan smoothly retorts.

"I'm warning you, AVM."

"What?" Ahaan asks defensively.

"Don't sweet talk me."

"Why not?"

"I'll get addicted."

"Good, then you'll never leave me."

Ahaan slides the fingers of his unoccupied right hand between my fingers, then lifting my hand up, kisses my knuckle. I kiss his knuckles in return.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind, but Rhea will carpool with me to school starting tomorrow. I want to pick you up too, so I'm just making sure you're okay with that."

"Yeah, of course. Your friends are my friends too."


"But you don't have to pick me up every day. It'll be more convenient for you to head straight to school."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Besides, Ishita is now a freshman. I'll have to take her to school too."

"Um, then where is Ishita right now?"

"Oh, shoot. I forgot. It's okay, my dad probably has it handled."

"Jeez, Ishqi. First day of senior year and you already forgot your sister."

"Not my fault. You distracted me."

"With what? My amazingly good looks?" Ahaan teases, shoving his face in front of mine so close our noses brush.

"Keep your eyes on the road."

"Give me a kiss first."

"Ahaan, I'm serious! There is a turn coming up," I sternly instruct.

"I'm serious too."

Ahaan wasn't budging. I gave in, pressing my lips on his cheek.

"Was hoping for it to be on my lips."

"Just focus on driving." I cover my face with my backpack in embarrassment.

After arriving at school, we had to go get our printed schedules from these tables lined up alphabetically. Then, a pep rally where the upperclassmen would wait for the freshmen to walk in and boo them. I was more occupied with trying to find Ishita in the crowd. Luckily, she is too tall and stood out easily. I was afraid she might still be in bed sleeping.

Afterward, we are on a shortened schedule. Ahaan and I have math for first, English for second, and physics for fourth together.

The desks are organized in rows. Ahaan and I take the two back left desks and we sit beside each other. Slowly, other people start to file in.

"Did you eat breakfast?" Ahaan asks.

"I woke up too late," I sigh.

"I knew that would happen," Ahaan sighs back. He looks in his backpack and takes out a packaged blueberry muffin. After opening one end of the wrapper, he hands it to me.

"You're the best," I clap, hiding it in my backpack and tearing small, bite-sized chunks to pop in my mouth. This way, I won't be caught by the teacher. I have a golden reputation of never getting in trouble, but I was risking it due to my hunger.

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