"Where do you have something to mix it with?" I ask as I turn towards Harry.

"The small drawer on your right."


I take a wooden spatula out of the drawer.

I crack 5 eggs into the pan and mix them lightly.

Suddenly I feel someone hug me around the waist from the back and I tense up slightly.

Harry rests his chin on my shoulder while still hugging me. "Can I do this?"

"I don't mind." I say with a slight smile on my face. I hope he doesn't feel that I'm smiling. "Give me pepper, salt, and something spicy, like a hot paprika or something." I order with a kind voice.

"Yes sir." Harry quickly stops touching me and rummages through the cabinets, looking for spices.

The boy puts them on the counter next to me while I watch the scrambled eggs. I take the spices he gave me and add them to the pan, mixing them with the eggs.

"Do you want your eggs hard or soft?" I ask.


"K." I answer and continue stirring with the spatula. I prefer soft ones, but I will adjust to Harry's.

He hugs me again, just like before.

"It smells really good."


I feel his fluffy curls on my right cheek and ear, they tickle me slightly, but I don't say anything because I like how close he is.

"Pass me the plates and forks."

Harry pulls away from me again and takes out the things I asked for from the drawers.

I divide the scrambled eggs evenly between plates.

"I don't want that much." The boy behind me speaks quietly.

"Nonsense, it's not even 3 whole eggs. You'll eat it. Breakfast is very important." I turn to him with plates in my hands. I see he's not convinced. "If you can't eat it all, give it to me, cool?"

He nods and I quickly kiss his nose.

We sit down at the table and start eating the breakfast I made for us. I hope he likes it because I haven't made scrambled eggs for a long time.

"It's really good, Louis."

I smile. "Thanks."

While eating, we talk about the party at Niall's, Harry being banned from leaving the house and us. This last part is what I like the least. I don't like this type of conversation.

We put the empty plates in the sink. Harry ate everything. I knew he would eat it.

"So... What now?" I ask.

"We can watch a movie."


We go to the living room. Harry walks over to his DVD collection and I sit on the couch.

"Okay, so, we can watch "Fight Club", "The notebook"...Ew, no, we won't watch that crap, definitely not." He says while setting aside the Grease DVD with a grimace of disgust on his face.

"You don't like "Grease"?" I ask.

Bitch, how can you not like this movie?

"My mom watches this. This movie irritates me, nothing good."

"We're watching "Grease"."

"You like this shit?" He looks at me confused.

I cross my arms on my chest. "This "shit" is my favourite movie, asshole."

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