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Harry just left me. I may have been a little mean, but I hate it when people keep asking about me.

I stand under a tree, finish my cigarette and take another one. I don't want to go back to the party yet.

I don't want to run into Harry.

The moon is shining beautifully, a light breeze caresses my skin, I can already feel spring.

I could stay here forever. It's so peaceful here.

I'm halfway through the cigarette when suddenly I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Ugh, who is this? And what kind of asshole dares to bother me now.

I pull out my phone and the name "Britney" appears on the screen.

I guess I should change that later.

Do I want to answer? I don't want to talk to him.

Zayn probably got drunk and now he's calling me from Harry's phone because he lost his.

I wouldn't be surprised.

I sigh, answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I say in a bored voice to let Zayn know that I don't feel like talking right now.


That weak, tiny voice is definitely not Malik's.

"Harry? What happened? Where are you?" I ask a little bit concerned.

I can tell by the tone of his voice that something happened to him.

He's not answering.



Jesus, just answer, Harry because you're starting to irritate me with your silent behavior.

"Hazza, where are you?!"

Still nothing. Okay, now I'm starting to worry.

"For fuck's sake! Darling, where are you?!"

"Lou?" Harry says on the other end in a weak voice. So faint that I can barely hear it.

"Oh my God. Where are you?!"

"It's very bright here..."

What is he talking about? Is he high?


"Hazz! Where are you?! Answer me for fuck's sake, moron!"

Nothing. I'm getting more and more worried. What if some idiot gave him drugs and now the poor guy is alone in another dimension and doesn't know what's going on.

"Baby, please fucking answer me!"

"Bathroom... Please... Help..."

What? Jesus, his voice is barely audible.

Harry, what have you done?

"Fuck... I'm coming!" I say and after that I immediately hung up.

Something bad happened. I can feel it.

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