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Slap on the boy's cheek. "Speak to me when I'm asking you a fucking question!"

I stand by and watch my boyfriend try to get information out of some idiot who got caught.

"Tyler answer my fucking question!" Louis yells.

"Okay, okay, I'll do anything, but don't tell my father about this. He would kill me." The blonde boy begs in almost crying voice.

I roll my eyes. Fucking another one with a daddy issues. Every time there is someone like that, Louis suddenly turns into an older brother and wants to protect every idiot. We've been getting more orders lately, it's been about 3 weeks since Sarah's party and we go to work at least twice a week.

"Boys! Get out!" Louis shouts at the other men here.

Here we go. They will leave, Lou will be cute older brother for this random kid, Tyler will go home and our boss will yell at us for misbehaving. I'm sick of this. I don't know what suddenly got into Tomlinson, but he's been different since this party. More careful, quieter, always alert.

The masked men leave and Louis kneels next to the boy who looks like he's younger than me. I think he's 15 years old. Maybe 14.

"What's going on with your dad, Tyler?" The brunette boy asks in caring voice what makes me roll my eyes again.

The guy on the chair looks confused by the sudden change. "He... Um... He beats me."


Tyler cries quietly. "Everywhere."

Why suddenly everyone has daddy issues? This is probably the 6th in a row.

"So pray he doesn't find out what you're doing." I speak in a cold tone.

Louis turns to face me. "Shut up." He looks back at the terrified and confused boy. "Everything will be fine, Tyler. You have to believe in it." The older one rubs the blonde's hair. "Go home, kiddo."


Louis nods and calls the guys back to take Tyler.

When it's only us in here I smack the back of my boyfriend's head. "Dickhead." I take off my balaclava.

He does it too and turns towards me. "Ah!" Lou rubs the back of his head. "What the fuck?"

"What the fuck? Are you serious? What's wrong with you, man? Every time someone mentions that they have father problems, you suddenly turn into a docile sheep. I'm sick of it. Our boss too."

He just sighs and says that he's sorry.

Bullshit. We both know that he isn't.

"Louis... What's going on?" I rub both of his arms with my hands. "You've been acting different lately. Is everything okay?" I ask worried.

The boy doesn't say anything, he just moves closer to me so that our chests are touching and his head rests on my shoulder. I hug him and caress his back. "What is it, boobear?"

I feel his body shaking slightly and my shirt gets soaked with his tears. "My dad..."

I hug him tighter. "What he did?"

"He... His friends... Um... He..."

I rub my boy's back to comfort him somehow. "Shhhh, it's okay, come on, baby. What is it?"

Louis' head sticks more into the part of my body between the shoulder and the neck. "They... They... They tried to... Um... rape me..." He speaks in a whisper and his voice breaks. "Not only tried... Um... They... T-they..." His voice shakes.

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