"To my Harry"~Letters

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"June 24, 2012

Harry. Today marks one year since your death. I still can't believe sometimes that you are gone and that I will never be able to touch your curly hair again. We all miss you very much. I'll be going with my mother to your mother and your sister soon. Yes, your sister came home. He has been living with your mother for several months because she barely survived your death. Of course it's not your fault. This is my fault and I will apologize to you for the rest of my fucking life. I love you and I will always love you. I'll never find anyone who's anywhere near as good as you were.

Yours forever, Louis."


"September 18, 2013

I started making music. I remember you always loved listening to music so I started writing songs about you. Maybe I'll publish them someday. Who knows, maybe I'll even become a famous singer hahaha.

Yours forever, Louis."


"May 17, 2015

Harry, I met a beautiful girl not long ago. She's not you, but I know you want the best for me. I know that if you could, you would be happy for me because that's the type of person you were. Too good. I moved to Los Angeles a month ago. It's very beautiful here. You would like it. But don't be afraid, I'm still in touch with Zayn, Liam and Niall. I also visit your mom sometimes when I'm in town. She's doing better and better. I'm also doing better but I still miss you. Like all of us.

Yours forever, Louis."


"January 21, 2016

My son was born today. Freddie. I've known him for a few hours but I already love him more than my life. I'm sure you would get along too. Children have always adored you. I promise you that I will be the best dad there is. I will defend my son against every evil. I still blame myself a little for your death. I know you'd probably say it's not my fault, but it is. I love you Harry Styles.

Yours forever, Louis."


"December 7, 2016

Take care of my mom Harry. I love you both. I miss so much.

Yours forever, Louis."


"January 31, 2020

I published my first album today. Several songs are about you. Zayn helped me write some songs and Niall and Liam created the background music. I'm sure if you were still here you would really like this album. I hope people like it.

Yours forever, Louis."


"June 24, 2021

10 years and I still love you. Isn't that strange? After 10 years of not being around you, I still miss you. I think I can safely say that you were and still are the love of my life, Harold Edward Styles. We all love you. Today I'm going back to Doncaster to commemorate you with the boys. We'll get drunk for you. You will be in my heart forever.

Yours forever, Louis."


"April 19, 2024

I think I have to let you go, Harry. I can't live in the past anymore. I can't change it and I know it now. But one day I will find you and we'll be together. I will always love you, remember that, sunshine.

Oh, do you remember a few years ago when I wrote to you about my album? Everyone liked it and I'm even making money from it. I have already published 2 albums that I am very proud of and each of them has at least one song about you. I love you.

Yours for life and forever, Louis."

Hiiii! It's me again! This is the end of this book. I hope you liked it. Now I'll start writing another fan fiction about Larry, so I hope you like it as well❤️❤️❤️❤️ You're probably wondering why I didn't give them a happy ending. From the very beginning, ever since I had the idea to write this, Harry was supposed to die, but maybe in the next book Louis and Harry will be together at the end.

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