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I come out of the bathroom and I don't see Louis anywhere. Of course he didn't stay. I subconsciously knew it would be like this, but I had little hope that he would stay...

I see a small note on the bed.

"I had to go to work. I had a great time with you, Hazz. I hope we can do it again someday ;) Oh and please don't tell your friends what happened. I know they're your friends, but I would really appreciate it if it stayed just between us. Okay?"

Of course he wants to keep it a secret. It's obvious that Louis is ashamed of me. But this one word soothes my emotions. Hazz. He called me, Hazz.

This is probably my new favorite word.

The page is carelessly torn out. I know from the quality of the paper that he ripped it out of my sketchbook.

I take my notebook in which I draw, I open it to the last page from which Louis tore a piece. I grab some sticky tape from my desk and carefully put the note back on so I don't lose it.


I spent the entire winter break at home due to my grounding. It was boring, that's for sure.

We haven't spoken to each other since Louis left my room. Neither he nor I texted each other.

I didn't cut my hair. I decided that maybe the girls were right and I should grow it. During my free time, I was supposed to go to the gym with the boys for the first time, but my mother didn't let me.

But now the winter break is over and so is my detention. Today, after school, I plan to go to the gym with Jake and David. Sarah is supposed to be there too, but I don't know if it's true.

I left the house for the first time in almost two weeks and I must admit, I missed it. Don't get me wrong, I love my home but sometimes I want to get out of it, especially when I'm banned from doing so.

"Oooo our shaggy friend can finally leave the house." Patrick says ruffling my luscious curls.

"What made your mom ground you?" David asks curiously.

I sigh. "Niall had a party and I was a liiiiiittle late..."

"How late?"

"I came back after 3 a.m..."

David laughs. "Damn, party boy."

"Mhm, yeah..."

"How was the party?" Sarah joins the conversation. "Have you kissed anyone?"

"The party was cool but I didn't kiss anyone."

At least not at a party...

"Jesus, you must have been so bored this winter break." Jasmine sighs.


It's true, I was bored most of the time... Yeah, MOST of the time.

Jesus I have to tell them. I can't stand it if I have to keep it inside any longer. I know Louis asked me not to tell anyone, but if I tell my friends not to tell anyone, it's like I didn't tell anyone, right?

"I'll tell you something during the lunch break. Get ready because this will blow your mind." I say.

There's no turning back now.

"Uuuuuuu, alright. So, see you there!" Jasmine says with a smile and leaves us because it's time for class.


I'm the first one in our place. I'm stressed. Maybe I should listen to Louis. Although he'll probably tell his boys. Right?

I didn't think this through. Well, what can I say? Hey, well, basically I couldn't stop thinking about Louis, I sneaked out of the house to meet him, I came rubbing against his thigh, he stayed at my place for the night and in the morning he fucked me.

The SilenceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя