Noticing the distress on the man's face, Y/N's grandmother approached them, with concern.

Y/N: Grandma, here you go.

Y/N handed her the ingredients she had just bought, her voice gentle yet resolute.

Grandma: What happened, dear?

Concerned, Grandma's voice was a soothing melody in the air, offering solace and understanding in equal measure.

Y/N: Grandma, this man was treated poorly at the shop. Can we give him something to eat?

She asked as her heart is aching at the thought of leaving the man hungry and alone.

Grandma: Of course, dear. Everyone is welcome here.

Her words, spoken with unwavering kindness.

Overwhelmed by this unexpected act of kindness, the man hesitated before expressing his gratitude, his voice choked with emotion.

...: Th-thank you. I didn't expect anyone to help me.

He stammered, his eyes shining with unshed tears, his heart heavy with the weight of his gratitude.

Y/N: No one should go hungry. We're happy to help.

Her reassurance was like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, warming his heart and filling him with hope.

The grandmother served a hearty meal, each dish prepared with love and care, the aroma tantalizing his senses and filling him with anticipation.

As he savored each bite, a sense of gratitude and warmth filled the air, casting a gentle glow on his face, his heart overflowing with appreciation for the kindness shown to him.

Y/N: You seem to be new here. I haven't seen you around.

Her remark was filled with genuine interest, her curiosity piqued by the man's presence in their small town.

...: I am from the nearby village.

He revealed, his voice soft yet filled with a sense of longing for the place he once called home.

Curious, Y/N asked about Eldoria, her genuine interest in his origins warming his heart and easing his sense of loneliness.

Y/N: How is Eldoria?

Her question, spoken with genuine curiosity, was like a lifeline in the vast sea of his loneliness, offering him a sense of connection and belonging.

...: I just wanted to know about Eldoria.

He replied slowly, his words hesitant yet filled with a longing for connection and understanding.

Y/N: Some are like that. Don't mind them. Other than those, Eldoria welcomes all.

Y/N's comforting words were like a soothing balm to his wounded soul, offering him solace and understanding in his moment of need.

Y/N: Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.

She apologized, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity, her genuine kindness shining through her words.

Y/N: I am Y/N.

Though hesitant, he shook hands with her and introduced himself, his heart filled with gratitude for her kindness and compassion.

Their conversation continued, each word spoken with warmth and understanding, their connection deepening with each passing moment.

As he prepared to leave, Y/N encouraged him not to hesitate to visit again, her words a promise of friendship and support in his time of need.

Grandma, recognizing the significance of their encounter, handed him a basket of food, symbolizing not just sustenance but the warmth of newfound connections.

...: Thank you so much. I will never forget you.

He expressed with a genuine smile, his heart overflowing with gratitude for the kindness shown to him.

Y/N: We won't forget you either.

Y/N replied, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity, her heart touched by the man's gratitude and appreciation.

As he bid them farewell with a sincere "Bye", Y/N added with a smile, her heart filled with hope for his future.

Y/N: Bye, Vante.






As he strolled away from her residence, he snapped his fingers with a flair of magic. 

In the blink of an eye, his entire appearance transformed, and a mischievous smile played on his lips as he glanced at the basket in his hands. 

With a closing of his eyes, he harnessed the power of teleportation, whisking himself away to his majestic castle.

Upon arriving, he gracefully treaded through the grandeur of his abode, and every person present instinctively bowed in deference.

A commanding voice echoed,

....: Where do you think you are going, Prince Taehyung?

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Voting is closed now as I got the another vote as a tie breaker vote from one of my snowies.

Thank you for all who commented your opinion!

Old style is chosen by the majority!

So, lets proceed with the same...

I am really really sorry for the ones who chose the new style.

Nevertheless, I will try to add more emotions from now!

Please, forgive me if I didn't reach your expectations.

I will try my best!

Vote- Illuminate with Stardust.

Comment- Unleash your thoughts like whispered spells.

Follow-Embark on a magical journey; follow for ethereal updates.

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