8: A token

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The days flew by quickly, and time passed faster than the winds. "Days are numbered," Noah held onto his father's words, knowing his nightmare would come to an end just like winter did. He tried to keep up with the others and do what seemed right in Avgustin's eyes. However, he still remained confused about where he was and why he was chosen to be treated like he was worthless. After his encounter with Avgustin, he tried to abide by the rules and live by the group. Though the time to complete chores was short, he had learned to do them quickly to avoid punishment.

Noah stood on a rock and gazed ahead at nothing but tall branches and trees. He hopped down and resumed gathering dry branches. Finally, his bag was filled with dry branches, and his task was over. He needed to find the group and return with them to the house where they would receive another list of chores.

Noah glanced at the wristwatch Avgustin had given him for tracking time; of course, he had to teach him the mysteries of reading time on a clock. He was a good ten minutes ahead of the others, so he decided to explore a little further while trying not to break the rule that required they don't leave the premises. He got closer to a stream, and there he climbed a high rock, spotting a giant cave far ahead.

Suddenly he heard bushes rustling behind him, turning around with anticipation he waited for the worst, instead Rafael's black hair appeared. "Here you are!" Rafael said through gritted teeth.

Noah rolled his eyes and continued to gaze ahead.

Annoyed by Noah's sassy attitude, Rafael had a brilliant comeback. "You're almost off the premises after the stream. I bet you don't want Avgustin finding out you went this far," he taunted.

"Just shut up already; I know the rules," Noah huffed, rolling his eyes.

"You made us all look for you!" Rafael exclaimed.

"I'm a good ten minutes ahead of you lazy asses," Noah stated, feeling his blood boil.

"Who do you think you are?" Rafael poked his chest, causing him to step back.

"Not your mother's child," Noah replied with a smirk, "and definitely your worst nightmare."

Rafael paused a wicked expression settling on his face, "You'll hate me, Noewie," Rafael said, black eyes glistening with an evil aroma.

"I already do, and your tattoos don't scare me, Mr. Crime. I've dealt with worse, and they begged at my feet for mercy," Noah confessed. "So step down."

Rafael licked his lips rapidly, trying to hold back from punching Noah. "This isn't over," he said as he heard the others approaching, then he shoved Noah, who landed in the stream with a splash, losing half of the countenance of his bag.

"Hey!" Noah yelled.

Browne and Dhakirah walked in on Noah in the stream and Rafael standing not far from him.

"I was about to blow the whistle. He wanted to explore the other side, and I stopped him," Rafael said loudly.

"That's a lie!" Noah said firmly while getting back on his feet. "You shoved me!" He got on Rafael's face half drenched.

"Oh really? That's weird," Rafael added with a sinister laugh.

"Enough." Dhakirah intervened. "Everybody back to the camp."

Without any further words, Noah followed the group back to the house where Avgustin was cleaning off what seemed like blood on the porch.

As the boys poured the sticks into a pile, Avgustin noticed that Noah's sticks were fewer and wet, including Noah himself.

"Explain," he said to Noah, who froze with wide eyes.

Then he picked up the courage to speak the honest truth. "Rafael shoved me into the stream," Noah admitted, letting his bag down.

"Rafael," Avgustin uttered gaze fixing the boy.

"Negative, sir. Noah was off the premises when I found him. I tried to reason with him, so he came back with us, but he insisted on crossing the stream where he fell during the struggle and had no choice but to return with us. We all looked for him around the woods, wasting precious time," Rafael narrated with a straight face. "Right, boys?"

"Positive, sir," the others chorused.

Avgustin stared at Noah, who looked pale. "He shoved me!" Noah's tone was as if he would jump on Rafael and kill him on the spot with bare hands.

Avgustin's face hardened. "Follow me," he ordered as he started ahead. Noah's shoulders slumped, but he obeyed, shooting Rafael a death glare as he walked away. Avgustin could be seen slipping his belt out of its loops.

Dhakirah frowned at Rafael, "nothing but the truth?" he crossed his arms.

"Well, yeah, but he needed help getting into the stream, and he was on it again! Being annoying for a straight 8 minutes," Rafael finally confessed.

"You lied to Avgustin. He'll kill you when he finds out," Browne stated.

"He can never find out, unless you rat me out," Rafael looked right into Browne's brown eyes with a hard stare. "And you know better."

"A threat?" Dhakirah stood up against him.

"A friendly reminder," Rafael stepped back and retreated from their midst.

The boys sat around the table to have dinner as they were about to call it a day. Today they got vegetables and bread. Dhakirah loved the menu. When he glanced at Noah, he seemed anguished and struggled to hold the spoon straight. Dhakirah looked at Rafael and Browne, who were eating their meals without a word. So he decided to play it cool; after all, Noah deserved whatever befell him.

"Tomorrow we're going hunting; get your minds prepared," Avgustin informed as he leaned against the counter.

"Yes, sir," the boys chorused, except Noah.

"Noah, you'll stay back to watch the house and complete your chores," he instructed.

Noah didn't bother to look up, "Yes, sir," he replied, his voice hoarse and inaudible.

"Speak up and look at me," Avgustin pressed on, obtaining only silence. His brows furrowed at Noah, and the boys tensed up on his behalf.

Noah dropped his spoon in rage into the plate, and it slipped from the rough throw, falling to the ground.

Dhakirah secretly hoped that Avgustin would let his action slide. "You can start heading to my office," Avgustin commended in a low tone. Noah rose without a word and limped off.

"Our new recruit may be having a hard time adjusting," Dhakirah remarked, hoping it would help reason with Avgustin.

"You all adjusted, and he will too," Avgustin said. "He must," he added.


Noah struggled to pull up his cargo pants, wincing and sniffing. He fastened the button and stood straight before Avgustin as demanded.

"I wish you learned from your lessons; it would save us time," Avgustin said while shutting a closet, and Noah refused to meet his gaze.

"Look up," Avgustin demanded sternly, and Noah obeyed. Avgustin took in his bloodshot eyes and damp cheeks. Then he held out his hand. Noah flinched at first, then looked down at Avgustin's hand, holding a notebook and a pen. He received them without a word, having been thrown in confusion. Avgustin allowed the lack of words to slip, believing he had done enough.

"You may retreat," he said.

Noah did so while limping, but at the same time, he held tightly onto the gift. It was the first time he had ever appreciated anything below a thousand dollars. At last! He didn't have to drown in boredom anymore.


Doneeee. Now I want to go straight to a lot of points so stay tuned. 

Days Are Numberedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن