My Rules for my game.

Start from the beginning

"I want to ask you, what do you want Shaira?"

Mr. Aestus said as he pulled out the papers at the table. Shaira hand trembled as she looked at Aestus.

Shaira blinked her tears as she tried hard to stay strong. What does she wanted?

If someone had ask this question a year ago she would have said so many things. The things which ultimately made her happy. The only thing she wanted but why it is so hard right now. She finally got the people who loved her more than her real family could but why it hurts so bad. She wiped her tears as she looked at him.

"I want to be happy, Mr. Aestus. In my life, I have been through so much. I made any mistakes until I get to know that I was a mistake. A grave mistake. I want my freedom. Freedom to be my own person. I want to do this."

Shaira said. Her eyes closing as she blurted last words. Mr Aestus eyes never left her. He didn't correct her. He had no rights to do it. A man who was never there for any of his family members.

"I want you to be sure of this, Shaira. That's why, I will ask you again. What do you want, Miss Shaira Angelina Vanedestine."

"I am not Shaira Vanedestine. I am Shaira. Just Shaira."

Shaira said. Although her voice was trembling but there was lot of conviction behind it.

"But your crying says otherwise, kid. You are very well a Vanedestine even if you don't admit it. If you would not be one of us, you would never be standing here in front of me. A man who you are afraid of. You would not be crying because your heart is in turmoil yet still be sitting here because your mind wanted you to be strong."

"You are more of a Vanedestine than us. A true Vanedestine is strongest from the mind yet mellowest from the heart."

Shaira eyes blazed.

"Will that make any difference? I know what I want, Sir. It's my freedom."

Aestus sighed as he looked at her.

"We would never be able to find you legally even if you get into big trouble one day."

"I knew it but I want to say that  before the past year. I was invisible for all of you and I did survived. I am not a pawn to be played with. So yes. I want it, Mr. Aestus."

Shaira heart tightened as Mr. Aestus took the papers and signed it for her.

"I wish you a happy life, Miss Shaira."

Shaira eyes snapped towards him as she looked at the papers. Her eyes were devoid of any tears and irony was she wasn't feeling free at all. Her bonds weren't miraculously broken. They were still there.

They were infact felt-abondoned.

"One last question- Mr Aestus. Did you hate me all these years? Did you leave house because I was here?"

Shaira felt dumb and immature. She hated that she still needed to ask the question. For the first time in the conversation, Mr. Aestus eyes widen as a  realization hit him.

He sighed.

"I was heartbroken. Your mom was my soulmate. When the tragedy happened with her. We were devastated. She didn't smile after that. Not even a single sign. When we get to know she was pregnant. It was the most brutal tragedy. We were afraid. Her mental health wouldn't be able to take it. She was losing herself but when the discussion of abortion came. She stood strong. She believed that the young life has nothing to do with the tragedy. It has a part of her. You were hers but after her death.

I couldn't stay here. I was not someone anyone should be around of- especially kids. Especially you. I never hated you Shaira but my hurt never made me able to go near you. You were just a small baby when doctor handed you to me but my heart was ripped off so badly. I couldn't take it. That's why I escaped and Dexton took over.

I am ashamed of my act, Shaira. If I would have been a better father. None of you would have been like this."

Shaira looked at the heartbroken men. She could see on his face that every memory made him weak but it was the fact that he abondoned his kids. Her brothers. Her eyes blazed.

"Mr. Aestus. It's not my place to say anything but You are still doing them wrong. You are still busy in your expedition that you are abondoning them again. I know losing your wife was brutal but have you ever think of your kids?

They lost both their mom and their dad. Dexton needed to take your role because you were coward.

Before I leave this place, I want to say one thing, Sir."

Shaira eyes blazed as she stood up from the sofa. This is the last time she would ever think of them as brothers. She promised herself.

"Man up, Mr. Aestus. Be a Vanedestine that you are talking about. Even if you think it's too late, believe me, Its not. Your children would forever be your children. So you better treat this place as your home not as a vacation house. Don't be haunted by the memories but please make new memories. Your kids deserved that. If Miss Angelina would be here, she would have been sad seeing you like this."

Shaira eyes blurred as she clutched the paper tightly. As soon as she get out of the office. Her hands went on the phone.
She swiftly dialed the number.


Shaira voice broke as she looked at signatures.

"I am coming at your house. Don't cry."

Shaira hinged up the phone as she broke down hugging papers close to her. So this is how it feels to be left alone.

If you love this plz comment. The sequel is definitely be there. I will need all of your support to write this.

Happy reading.

Drowning In The Dark (Broken Heirs #1)Where stories live. Discover now