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Avenell. You know that lastname, of course you know. That is the name of the Imperial family of the crappy book you last read before being plunged into this place. Shit, that might be just a coincidence right? It has to be, you do not want to believe it at all. You've read many books with the same plot but there's no way you'd be experiencing one.

But what other explanation could there be other than this?

Then, one more clue then you'll believe it.

"Then. Then the Densmore dukedom should have an idea right? They're good merchants, they have many connections!" Your mother desperately said and you swore that she's shaking your father right now.

"You're right Adelaide, Calib is my friend. I remember him telling me he just obtained an unique herb.." You did not bother to listen anymore, why do you need too in the first place? Really, what a cruel world. You cannot lie down here anymore and act as if everything is fine after all.

That one more clue you prayed for, has been answered.

That's right, the last name Densmore is more than a sign.

"Q-quick! Call the doctor!"

You started to cough blood.



You sat there with a sigh and stared up in the clear blue sky.

It might have been quite a reach but many years have passed, you cannot believe you have actually survived to reach the age of 11. With the help of Duke Calib Densmore and his connections, the herb he supplied your father with, is at least enough to lengthen your life and lessen the sensitivity of your skin.

Now you can walk around without having to worry about scratching your skin and bleeding for hours on end. As much as there is bad news, there is also good news. You can walk around for a bit now too, blood coughing is decreasing and not as severe as before. Though, carrying several handkerchief is still a must.

And the best one? You know how to go home now. The treasure that can revive a dead person. Yeah, that's it. But why? It's not like anyone needs reviving, no you do not need that wish. You see that treasure, has a second hidden function and that is to grant a person's greatest wish.

You're going to get it, no matter what. You're going to go home and be healthy once again and fuck that author up.

You concluded that the woman who insulted you is the author. It took you years to accept and wonder but you gave up long ago to try and understand either ways.

All you have to do is to survive and go home.

But that sounded so impossible, because it next to impossible. Even Emperors and Dukes cannot take it, how can a Viscount take it? But you're desperate and you're willing to do everything just to take it.

"Young lady.." You looked at Calippa who bowed modestly, "Your father has called for you."

Your eyes lit up and stood up, dusting your dress, "Where is father?"

"At the garden my lady." You have gotten fond of them, like a best friend that you respect. Though they may think of you as their child, well that you are, as a grown adult you really can't reciprocate the feeling especially when you're stressed here thinking of ways to go back. It feels weird to be honest, you want to treat them as your parents but you just can't.

But you try anyways, they're the reason you're still alive and kicking and in return you live your life as their good loving daughter.

"My lady.."

Ms. Phantom Thief (Yandere Reverse Harem X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now