CHAPTER 34 Undecided

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Kaltoom's POV

There is no right words to describe how I feel lately.

Especially after Adyan left this evening I've never gone through anything like this and yes I told Adyan I liked him a lot, like love you know what I mean

I don't even know how he got me to do it but yes I confess that I loved him all right maybe I knew how he did it.

It all started after our conversation this afternoon he told me that we were going to have an important discussion when he came this evening and being the big girl I was I told him I was ready for whatever discussion he was going to have.

I told Ammi he was coming and I had Aishatu prepared dinner for him, we were going to eat together after Weve heard our discussion.

Little did I know that I won't be taken a morsel from the food.

All right now I can't even find my appetite so of course I ended up not eating the food.

He told me that for the last time he was going to ask me if I was ready to spend my life with him he also reminded me that he loves me and I was the woman of his dreams and how he was willing to spend an  with eternity me...

And alot of other Clichy words, one thing I know is Adyan was good with Words and could make any woman breathless with his words let's not forget how his deep manly voice was hypnotizing and the looks....

Yes I'm drooling sue me!
But that man is mine y'all

And he was all ready for this whole thing is like he had rehearsed it already tbh.

Cause come on!

The fact that he was looking all Cute and hot and handsome in that blue kaftan and that cap perfectly perched on his head like an Arabian prince In Arewa, Hell! Damn.... Chill I haven't banged my head anywhere I promise,

But Adyan was the man of every girls dream... I mean he got it all, Looks, money, statues,... Oh gosh that aura, how could I say no to that man

Hell no effing way.. and yeah it's official I'm crazy about him!

He told me he wasn't going to force me to accept him, if I think even for a second I didn't want him he won't force things ,

And when this man talks about his love for me I invisibly melted on the spot, How can someone be so perfect with Words...  And how could I say I didn't like love him

It's obvious I do, his picture was my WhatsApp wallpaper, I go all sore when we argue, I can't go four hours without hearing his voice, YES!! He gives me butterflies.

"Adyan I love you!"

Was what my mouth decided to blurt out without my brains permission

Before I could register what I said he was kneeling in front of me with my left hand tangled with his.

The look this guy was giving me, I'm so glad I'm sitting down or I'd have probably lost balance and fall better off faint!

His hand in mine felt so unreal and it was giving me this new feeling and it made me feel like there was nothing to regret about what I said yes I wanted this! I want him

I was brought back from my flash back by Khalid's tap on my shoulder

"Why are you smiling like that it's creepy" Khalid said making himself comfortable on the sofa facing me

I didn't say anything, I was speechless

"You are still smiling that way " he said

"Leave me alone Khalid" I replied my voice sounding like I was going to cry as I cover my face with my phone pretending to chat... I was on the app but I wasn't chatting

Khalid snatched the phone from me and I got up to take it back as he stood up, he was too tall for me , what the hell was he reading in my WhatsApp

"So Abee is no more the love of your life it's now some Adyyyy... Huh interesting" he said pulling my ears

Right now I wish the ground could just open up and swallow me I've never been in this kinda situation with Khalid I tell him everything but not this.

He handed me back my phone and pulled my hand to the three sitter and we sat down together

"You sure he's who you want right?"

Khalid said out of nowhere, he pulled my head to look at him and I bent my head back down immediately playing with the ring on my pinky finger

"I don't know Khali, but I know his a good person and he likes me" wow my mouth has been saying things lately without my permission

"It's alright not to always be sure, his a great guy he'd keep you happy and if he ever messes up with you I'll be here to give him a blow" Khalid said and I found my eye crying I quickly hugged him and hid my face on his chest

"Shhhh ...  You're doing the right thing"

I really needed to hear that,

"Thank you Khalid"

I said softly

"Do you want some ice cream?" Khalid asked

Of course yes! So in five minutes we were in his car to go get ice cream

Hey everyone
Happy belated new year to y'all
Don't forget to like and drop your thoughts


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