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I'm the first to go down the ladder. A sea of hastily assembled demigods part for me as I walk through the forum. I managed to get my wolf, Heracles, down with me, and he walks at my side loyally. I try to look confident, I know the Romans appreciate a powerful leader, but inside I'm panicking. I can hear them murmuring about me as I walk through. I want more than anything for Leo to be beside me. He seems to make everything better with his jokes and his goofy grin. But we agreed that Annabeth and Jason would join me in speaking with the praetor, Reyna, and the augur, Octavian. Jason warned me about him. He told me he cuts open teddy bears and reads the stuffing. I have so many jokes I could make if he gives me the opportunity. 

I notice entire families are gathered to see us. Couples, babies, elderly folks. Are they all demigods? 

At the far end of the crowd, I spot Tyson and his hellhound, Mrs. O'Leary, who had been the scouting party that found Percy. They look happy. 

The city is beautiful, but from the second I stepped down, I got that feeling again. I'm an intruder here. I don't belong. I'm a sheep in a herd of wolves. 

Ahead of me, the demigods make way for a girl in full Roman armor and a purple cape. Reyna. I hope I look as confident as her. She carries herself with such confidence, that other demigods back away and avert their gaze. 

But as she gets closer, I see she's forcing this look of courage. She's just as nervous as I am. 

She and I face each other, standing a few feet apart. My friends fan out on other side of me. When they see Jason, they erupt in an murmurs, staring in awe. 

Then, I see Percy emerge from the crowd. I look at Annabeth, who seems frozen in place. 

Reyna straightens herself even more. "Jason Grace, my former colleague..." She says colleague like it's a dangerous thing. "I welcome you home. And these, your friends-"

Annabeth breaks our line and rushes Percy. He does the same thing. Romans reach for their swords, but they're thankfully not there. 

They throw their arms around each other and kiss. I'm happy for Annabeth. But this isn't really the time. Then, she grabs his wrist and judo flips him into the ground. She jumps on top of him as Romans surge forwards. 

"Hold!" Reyna commands. "Stand down!" 

Annabeth puts her knee on his chest and says something to him, making him laugh. 

She helps him to his feet, looking embarrassed. 

Jason clears his throat. "So, yeah... It's good to be back." 

He introduces us one at a time. Piper, who looks upset she didn't get to say the lines she'd been practicing. Then Leo, who gives a peace sign. "And this is Annabeth, she, uh, doesn't normally judo-flip people. And this-" He nods his head to me. "-is Theodora. Head Camper and Representative of Camp Half-Blood, Gift of the Gods, Born of the Clay of the Mediterranean Sea, Champion of Hera, Protector of the Seven, and Giant Slayer." 

I give a polite smile and nod my head to Reyna. I had asked Jason not to introduce me like that, but seeing the situation we're in, I think it's best if these people see me as important. 

Reyna clasps her hands firmly. "It seems we have a lot to discuss. Centurions!"

A few of the Roman campers hustle forwards. The senior officers. A burly Asian guy with a buzz-cut, and a girl, younger, with amber eyes and chocolate skin and long curly hair. I can tell they're close to Percy. 

The girl sees Leo, and seemingly can't take her eyes off of him. I suddenly wish he was at my side. Am I seriously jealous right now? I push the thought aside. Reyna is giving orders to her officers. "...tell the legion to stand down. Dakota, alert the spirits in the kitchen. Tell them to prepare a welcome feast. And Octavian-"

"You're letting these intruders into camp?" A tall guy with stringy blond hair elbows his way forwards. "Reyna, the security risks-"

"We're not taking them to camp, Octavian." Reyna flashes him a stern look. "We'll eat here, in the forum." 

"Oh, much better." Octavian grumbles. "You want us to relax in the shadow of their warship." He looks at me and his eyes narrow. "You!" 

I look around, and behind me. The confusion is evident on my face. "You...?"

"I saw you in the auguries." He growls. "You are capable of so much destruction. Reyna, she could flatten all of New Rome with the snap of her fingers. Her mother is the enemy!" He steps towards me menacingly, and Heracles growls at him. 

He jumps back at the sight of my wolf. 

"You saw me in teddy bear stuffing?" I ask innocently. It's an honest question. 

"You dare-" He starts, but Reyna interrupts him. 

"These are our guests." She clips off every word. "We will welcome them, and we will talk to them. As augur, you should burn an offering to thank the gods for bringing Jason back to us safely." 

"Good idea." I smile. "Go burn your bears, Octavian." 

Reyna looks at me like she's trying not to smile, before turning to the augur. "You have my orders. Go." 

The officers disperse, and Octavian shoots me one last look of absolute loathing. 

Percy slips his hand into Annabeth's. "Don't worry about Octavian. Most of the Romans are good people, like Frank and Hazel here, and Reyna. We'll be fine." 

"We'll be fine." Annabeth repeats, sounding unsure. She looks up at the ship worriedly. 

"Excellent." Reyna says, turning to Jason. "Let's talk, and we can have a proper reunion." 

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