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In the dying light, there was a snow-white palace made of marble and jade. The palace's snow-white tiles now black with darkness. A black cloud appeared in the floor. Out came a tall, pale woman with icy blonde hair with near white eyes. Her flowing black dress pooled around her as she approached the palace. There came a man with dark blonde hair and perfectly tanned skin.

Both approached each other and embraced one another.

They shared gazes with each other without uttering a word. The two approached the dying light and appreciated what would've been one of their last moments together on top of the celestial mountain.


The prince admired the tall mountain from a distance from the castle's garden. Crown Prince Daxri Light-Lazeria had been feeling out of it as of then.

How so? The prince couldn't use his own ancestors' magic. He looked toward the ruins of a temple on a nearby mountain and debated whether he should make a run for it.

Without much thought, he took his dagger with him and made his way through all the knighthood praying he wouldn't get caught.

Now out of the capital, he hiked over the mountain towards the abandoned temple. It had been like that after a terrible earthquake had shaken the ground with such anger that the temple had been beyond saving.

Taking his dagger out from under his cloak, he started practicing the sigils from the magic book he had with him. Daxri started chanting the incantations and spells in hopes for an answer, any!

He had been forced to do this for as far as his memory remembered.

No matter what, the sigils didn't respond to him. Groaning in frustration, he decided to do the last one in the book, the Dark Sigil. Since time immemorial, it had been prohibited to use the Dark Sigil.

He knew why it was prohibited, nothing good came out of it using it, if anything, you'll be likely worse than how you started.

But nobody was around.

Daxri carved the Dark Sigil into the ground anyway.

Nothing happened for a while. The prince almost stabbed the dagger into the ground out of anger.

"Why won't you respond to me!? What have I done wrong to not be able to use magic!?" - Daxri cursed under his breath.

The Dark Sigil then reacted.

It glowed an ominous purple and red. Black smoke came from the ground as a black cloud shrouded the magic circle.

The black smoke felt warm, he didn't know why, no. It caressed him so gently, almost as would a lover.

When the smoke touched his neck though... the Light Sigil burned so very bad.

Daxri gasped and instinctively raised his hand to cover the mark. But it was too late.

"Daxrimon... you remember me... do you?" - A woman's cool but kind voice cooed.

It was all he heard until the black cloud and smoke disappeared along with the magic circle.

The pain vanished with it.

He blinked, and blinked again.

Did it just respond to him? Did magic just respond to him?

Daxri got excited for a moment but then remembered it was the Dark Sigil that responded. He couldn't tell anyone about this.

Quickly, the prince returned to the castle undetected. Hopefully, the prince thought.

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬'𝐬 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 || 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now