"i like your style, very minimalist" Natasha brought me out of my not so innocent thoughts. I couldn't tell if it was a joke considering i had barely any furniture.

"i think that's just lack of furniture" Natasha chuckled shaking her head.

"no silly, your artwork and decorative pieces. it's not hard to gage want kind of style you have" I had a somewhat realisation at her words quickly looking away so she couldn't see me blush at my own stupidity.

"i see you're a fake plant gal" Natasha changed the topic referring to the many small fake plants, mostly succulents, my favourite.

"ah yeah, i would most definitely kill them if they were living" I joked stepping closer to the redhead taking another sip of my delicious drink.

"from the looks of it they're mostly succulents, they're the easiest to keep alive" She said as a matter of fact, i shrugged picking up one of the succulents. It was in a cute little koala pot, my all time favourite animal.

"i had a succulent once, i did manage to kill it" Natasha burst out laughing bending over slightly from how funny my statement was.

"oh sweetheart" Was all she said before laying a comforting pat on my back. My breath hitched at the contact, but only for a second until her hand was gone.

"y-you didn't have to get coffees you know" I tried changing the topic as i took a seat on my rug, due to lack of chairs. Natasha followed sitting opposite me with her legs crossed.

"oh it's no problem, plus i make them myself. i just got this super cool coffee machine and i'm obsessed with making coffees" I smiled as Natasha spoke, i didn't mean anything by it just that she looked beautiful and cute talking about something she was passionate about, even if it was just coffee.

Natasha gave me a tight lipped smile looking down and i could have sworn i saw her cheeks redden.

"i haven't had breakfast yet, i was gonna order from that cafe around the corner if you wanted anything" I offered, Natasha immediately nodded shuffling closer to me as i pulled up my Uber Eats app.

I could feel Natasha looking over my shoulder as i scrolled through the menu slowly. "i-i was going to get an eggs benny, my all time fav" I stated stopping  when i saw the dish so i could add it to my bag.

"eggs bennys are so good, i would have one with you but i'm kinda craving smashed avo. they do it so amazingly with feta on top drizzled with balsamic vinegar" Natasha practically moaned, i had turned slightly to look at her as she spoke getting lost in the thought of her dish.

"don't look at me like that, order my food" She demanded in a joking way as she sat back. I giggled doing just that adding her smashed avocado to my bag.

"did you want anything else? wanna add an egg? or bacon? or..." I asked continuing to scroll through different options.

"no thank you" I nodded going to check out and pay. "did you want me to give you money?" I turned to see if she was serious, she was.

"oh no, i mean it's the least i can do considering you're here to help me" I offered sincerely, Natasha gave me a nod before i got back to ordering.

The food only took about 15 minutes to arrive and during those 15 minutes i got a text saying my appliance delivery was 30 minutes away.

That gave us 15 minutes to eat our food, which ended up being more than enough time. We must have been hungry because once it arrived there was silence as we both devoured our meals.

"i hope they can get it up the elevator" I stated honestly worried they wouldn't be able to.

"the elevator is massive don't worry peach" Natasha spoke plainly leaning against the island as i stood waiting for the delivery.

I was watching the little delivery truck on the map get closer, it looked like they were pulling up now. "oh i think they're-" I started before my phone started ringing.

"okay yeah, i'll be right down" I ended the call with the delivery guy who basically ask me to come down so i could show them where to go.

"oh you're coming?" Natasha just gave me a nod following me to the elevator. I smiled liking the company as we made our way down to the lobby.

After watching the delivery guys install my new fridge and washing machine i was now reading the instructions for both.

"you don't actually have to read those you know" Natasha chuckled as she leaned on her arms looking at me.

I glanced up at her catching the generous amount of cleavage that was displayed due to her position. I lost all train of thought as my eyes lingered on the area.

It wasn't until i saw her breasts jiggle due to Natasha laughing that i finally looked away. "shit, sorry" I blushed turning towards the fridge as i hung my head.

I just ogled the woman like some creep, my mouth was probably wide open as i stared at her. God, i wish the floor would just swallow me whole.

"hey, babe don't worry about it" Natasha cooed coming closer placing her hand on my back.

"i'm really sorry, i-i didn't mean to" I felt Natasha slowly rub my back before she took the fridge paperwork off me.

"i don't care that you looked at my tits, they're pretty great, i honestly don't blame you" Natasha stated tilting her head so she was in my eye line.

I don't know if that made me feel any better but i decided we just needed to move on. "i-i'm just gonna unpack these things" I turned my head to meet her gaze pointing to the components that go in the fridge.

"let me help" Natasha hummed doing just that. We worked pretty well together, constructing the inside of my fridge.

Things started to lighten up after that, i didn't feel so nervous and insecure from what i had done. Natasha had also genuinely seemed to not care that i stared at her chest.

"it says here i need to run a drum cycle before doing any clothes" I spoke randomly as i read the washing machines instructions now.

"oh yeah, maybe you should put that on while we wait for the other delivery" Natasha suggested, we were on the floor again, this time laying on our stomachs.

I hummed reading the instructions on what to do with the drum cycle. "oka- ooo i just got a text. it's the other delivery, it's 30 minutes away" Natasha 'oooed' causing me to chuckled before i was jumping up.

"let's go put that drum clean cycle on" I reached my hand out which Natasha grabbed immediately jumping up herself.


i know this is a horrible place to end the chapter but i have to. i can't have it being too long, plus i gotta keep ya'll on your toes

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