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panties 。・:*:・゚★ Chapter 12

Ah, sobriety.  Maybe the one thing I had going for me this morning, aside from the massive headache, lack of acetamophine, and the brewing feeling of paranoia when I recalled the consequences Hunter listed after my spontaneous maneuver into that jerk's car. It might've been reckless to some, but to me the look on that blonde, dickhead's face outweighed any form of harassment or 'bra snapping' I'd potentially receive. It's not like this was the fucking eighties anyways. The worst I was expecting was a fine and revoked record-player privileges. 

I pinched at the purple half-circles under my eyes, yet another consequence from last night. Luckily, Lyra and Clare had already hitched a ride with Kevin, which meant I was going to be late.

Cautiously, I creeped down the hall, but of course spotted my mom in the kitchen, hands bracing the counter tops and everything. There was an envelope in her hand.

"Good morning, mom." I yawned, locking my gaze on the white paper.

"Yes, I'm sure you're having a lovely morning, June. A night of crashing into people's cars really tuckers you out for the night doesn't it?" She waves the envelope around, eyes pinned right on me.


I slow to a stop, and fiddle with the ends of my hair. What was I supposed to say? Sorry wasn't going to send the fine right back, and no amount of dish duty would relieve the guilt I was suddenly being met with, especially since she was the one handling the bill- either by law or because she was feeling nice, I couldn't tell. 

"Look, I'm really sorry. Let me take a few more shifts at the store to help." I offer.

She sighs and slides the paper in a nearby junk drawer, "No, June, you're seventeen and I'm still responsible for you. I'll pay."

"No, it was my fault. Just let me take half, please." I shake my head. I couldn't live with myself if my mom had to pay for something like that that was completely because of me. I shouldn't have gone to the damn party in the first place. Part of me was a little bewildered at how blatantly regretful I was around her-- but part of me knew it must stem from the fear of being kicked out, even after being here for almost a decade. It was silly, but very real. I wasn't going to be eighteen for many months anyways. It's not like I would have anywhere else to go till' then.

She thinks for a moment, and closes her eyes. "Okay, but I want you to know how disappointed I am in you, not for the money we now owe, but for your poor decision making. I know you're better than this."

Ouch. Sure, I deserved it, but damn.

With a curt nod, I grab my bag and walk out the door. 

I found myself flinching every time a locker door was slamming shut, or a taller boy rounded the corner of a hallway. Scaredy cat, I thought to myself. He was not going to come after me. The bill sent by his pretentious mother was enough, right? 

Thankfully, I hadn't bumped into Hunter yet-- granted, I had been hiding behind Lyra the entire first passing period. It's not that I was afraid of him, per say, just of what he might say, or better yet, what I'll say. The pounding headache wasn't helping anything, either. God, what I would do for a bottle of Tylenol right now. 

As I grabbed a book from my locker-- without my human shield, I spotted Hunter from the corner of my eye, sauntering down the hallway. I never looked away from my notebook. He stopped-- right beside me. Even then, I ignored him.

"You okay?" He leaned against row of lockers beside mine.

I prodded my cheek with my tongue in annoyance. I wasn't going to let what he said last night go. "I don't know... I wouldn't want to burden you or Kevin with my precious feelings."

He let out a low chuckle, almost impressed by my rendition of his own words. His dark eyes landed on mine, for a second or two. "Alright. Forget I asked, then."

"Will do." I huffed. Before leaving my side, he childishly poked my hip-- something that we, including Kevin, would do years ago. To no one's surprise, I was the main target because of my dislike for physical touch. But alas, dislike was the last effect that gesture had on me. I watched as he ruffled his hair and continued down the hall. 

I'm going to slam my head in this locker.

"May I have the honor of slamming it?" Lyra appeared from behind the locker door, and I realized my last thought was not so much a thought

"No. You don't deserve that honor." I roll my eyes and click the tiny door shut.

She displayed a faux pout, knitting her brows. "Mhm. It would probably make it harder to give Hunter head without a functioning-"

With wide eyes, I slapped my hand over her mouth as two other girls shuffled past-- shock and amusement riddling their expression. I shot them an apologetic smile, "Excuse her... she just got discharged from the mental institution. Very hard drugs they give them down there. We believe it got lodged into her frontal cortex."

The pair exchanged silent scoffs and hurried away. 

"Will you shut the fuck up? I did not suck him off last night, you weirdo!" I whisper-yelled, before any other person could pick up on our conversation. I hesitantly took my hand away from her mouth.

"I know, I know. Jesus," She cackled with pure mischief, "you should so see your face right now."

Evidently, a heat had crawled it's way up my face. I stuck my tongue out. "Whatever. I'm going to civics."

I wish I could say civics was the most boring part of my day, but unfortunately I could feel multiple pairs of eyes burning into my skull. Just my luck. About half of the population that was in the truck I rammed into last night was in was in my class. And Hunter. I usually sat so far from him, I always forgot he was in this class.

I suddenly threw a careless glance over my shoulder to scan the battlefield. It was the blonde prick, and two other boys I didn't care to recognize. In less than a moment, my gaze was locked with the blonde's. I narrowed mine-- a challenge. If they wanted to act so big and tough last night, where was that energy now? My expression asked the question for me, as I gave him a knowing smile. 

Before I could watch his face shift in anger, Hunter-- who sat behind me, lightly kicked my ankle as a warning. Imminently annoyed, I twisted around to face him.

"Stop." He whispered, paying no regards to the asshole who shoved him around last night. Any other day, he would be itching to give them a piece of his mind. I silently wondered what had changed.

Accompanied with a swift eye roll, I didn't reply. I mean, I knew he was right. It would probably be wise to not add fuel to the fire. But what kind of boring ass day would it be if I didn't at least get one guy's panties in a wad?

a/n: thanks for reading lovelies. excuse the ODD but slightly fitting title, i was out of ideas. anywaysss i hope you enjoyed because i need to take a swift break from this one anways to focus on my eddie munson fic that has been sitting for a few months now, so see ya'll soon!

love you guys <3

𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂 ♬✼:* hunter sylvesterWhere stories live. Discover now