the drums

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the drums 。・:*:・゚★ Chapter 3

"I have to applaud you, y'know, for proposing that to me. Took a lot, I can tell." I gripped the strap of my busting-at-the-seams tote, smiling ever-so innocently at my brother, who was walking besides me on our ridiculously long journey from the bus stop to the Schlieb household.

"Shut up, June."

I couldn't help but snicker, maliciously. "Hey, I'd watch my tone if I were you. You're still in need of a bass player."

"Which I would have had by now if you hadn't shut down every adjustment and proposal I offered. I mean playing in not one but two bands in the competition sounds like hell of a win to me. Double the glory."

"I'm a one band kind of gal. Plus, it's more work anyways. Two songs to memorize." I huffed, deciding whether or not I should bring up the last— and one of the main reasons I have continuously refused. "I just— I don't want to be around him, and I especially don't want you around when I don't want to be around him."

Kev's shoulders slumped. Defeated, the gesture seemed to say. "Alright. I won't push you anymore..." He gave me those sideway eyes that never meant anything good, "I do need a drum teacher. Kinda urgently..."

"What? I thought Hunter was teaching you...?" I grimaced. If he knew how shitty of a teacher I was, he would've never asked.

"I mean, he was but... he's not the greatest teacher."

"And you think I am?" I laughed. He shrugged.

"Well, no, but you're my sister."

I pouted, the only-3-months-older big sister pout, my already-big ego enlarging by the second. "Aww."

Kev snorted, shaking his head.

"What... the hell...?" I stared at the giant drum set, that took up more than half of the room. The sun reflecting and glaring— practically blinding us, wasn't helping either.

Kevin awkwardly scratched the nape of his neck, as if he forgot how big the set was. "Um... well... Hunter got it for me to, y'know, practice."

"You couldn't have bought something... I dunno'... a little less professional?" I couldn't tear my eyes away. They were pretty damn magnificent.

He shrugged. "His idea, not mine."

"It's always his, ain't it?" I said, disguised through a sigh. The question of how they managed to pay for a instrument as big as it was popped into my mind, and I bit my nail, not sure if I wanted to the answer just yet. "As much as it pains me, in my heart, to say this... I gotta bounce."

"Yeah, you really do look hurt." Kevin rolled his eyes, pursing his lips. "But, have a good shift, June."

I was twisting the knob of his door but I whipped around, slightly startled by his last reply. "I'm not even going to pretend that it's not creepy that you apparently know my work schedule..."

His brows raised, as if I forgot something. "Oh, no, I don't. I just know Thursday is when Hunter goes around snooping for cigarettes for his DND meets."

In remembrance, I groaned. "Well, there's a million convenience stores in this town. I'll be good."

"Yeah, but there's only one with you. He's still trying to get it in good with you." He casually shrugged. "Why? I have no clue."

I quietly chuckled as I realized his whole comment rhymed. "You should be a poet."


grrr sorry for the chapter delay!! I have this one and another coming out in just a few hours or days, idek. also sorry it's so short!!! i prefer shorter chapters.

if you're also reading foggy, i'll also be working on that too! Thanks for the patience, I've been in a summer slump recently.

love ya'll <3

𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀𝐂 ♬✼:* hunter sylvesterWhere stories live. Discover now