No Bras Club

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Jo's POV:

The pizza arrived finally, and he and I devoured the whole thing in a matter of seconds. Normally I wouldn't want to act like such an animal in front of a guy I like, but at that moment I couldn't care less. Drunk Jo wants her pizza.

I laid back on his bed after we finished eating, feeling stuffed and satisfied. The bottle of water Colton had secretly ordered laid empty next to me. Feeling more sober, I let my arms spread out, admiring the comfort of his comforter. 

Colton had climbed over from the floor and laid next to me, letting one arm drape off the bed and the other reach for my head. I turned to face him as he played with my hair. 

"Thanks for, uh, taking care of me," I mumbled. "Even though I was drunk and annoying."

He laughed loudly at the last bit, earning him a glare from me. 

"Don't worry princess," he chuckled, "you weren't that annoying."

I elbowed him in the side gently, causing him to laugh even harder. 

He finally regained his composure, letting his hand rest still on the side of my face. "Really, it was the highlight of my night. Besides, if it wasn't me, there would be some creepy asshole trying to take you home." He smirked as he finished his sentence, causing me the roll my eyes. 

"For the record, you did not 'take me home,'" I protested, air-quoting his phrase. "You just happened to be there at a really convenient time."

He chuckled. "Whatever you gotta tell yourself to sleep at night, princess." 

He pulled my body so it was now facing his, his armed draped down my back. My head curled into his chest, my hand coming up to rest atop his heart. I felt so comfortable, it felt like our bodies were made for each other - like we had been carved of stone and then cut apart. 

We stayed in that position for a while, before I heard Colton start to snore. I peeked my head up to see him curled on his side, fast asleep on the bed. I smiled, happy he was getting some rest.

I secretly tried to slip out of his grasp as to not wake him, but his arm was heavier than expected. I eventually wiggled my way out and tiptoed over to the bathroom. 

Oh God, I looked horrendous.

I quickly ran water over my face to try to clear it of any residual makeup. Once I looked less raccoonish, I grabbed a hair tie from my wrist and did my best to stick it in a bun. It looked awful, but still infinitely better than the before. I tried to waterfall some mouth wash off of Colton's counter to try to get rid of the alcohol breath. Oh, and the vomit breath. 

I surveyed the bathroom, and saw the pair of pants I had borrowed from Colton the first time folded neatly on the counter. A large white long-sleeve sat next to it, also folded. I guessed Colton had put these in here when I was distracted as an option to change into.

I threw off the dress and pulled on the comfy clothes. Looking back in the mirror, I saw the shirt was loose everywhere except the chest, where it clung to the outline of my boobs. I wasn't the most gifted in that department, but what was there was now on full display. I cursed myself for not wearing a bra to the club. 

I turned to exit the bathroom, opening the door as quietly as I could. Colton laid there, still asleep. I tiptoed over to the bed, shutting off the light on my way and setting my dress on the floor. 

I tried to pull the covers of the bed down so Colton could get in, but it was near impossible with his dead weight on top. I sighed, giving up and crawling back on the bed next to him. 

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