Kardashian Purgatory

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Colton's POV:

I couldn't get this girl out of my head. On the ice, I was thinking about her. In class, I was only paying attention to her. She was in my head when I ate, showered, and slept. I was royally fucked.

I hadn't intended to get into a relationship at Eden. I hadn't dated since high school, and even that was never serious. The goal was always to push through until I made it to the NHL. Keep my priorities straight, stay focused. No distractions.

But somehow, I ended up in class with the biggest distraction of all time. And I couldn't stay away.

Her blue eyes haunted me, following my every move. When I looked at anyone else, I was looking for those tempting eyes, feeling disappointment in anything else. 

Her hair was everywhere. Its soft texture was in my bed sheets, its warm brown color in every cup of coffee I drank. I had even found strands of it in my car that I refused to clean.

Her scent was warm and inviting, her lips the same. Her cute laugh rang in my head all day, and like a dog I followed the sound whenever I heard it. 

I couldn't get enough. As much as I wanted to deny it, I was into this girl. Dangerously. 

"Bro, focus," Chris yelled at me from across the ice. I had missed his pass, an easy one. Fuck, he was right. 

I shook my head and tried to bring myself back to reality. Maybe bringing Jo ice skating was a bad idea, because now on the ice, she was all I thought about. 

I made it through practice, my effort lacking. As much as I wanted to be mad at myself for being distracted, I just couldn't bring myself to. How could I be mad when Jo was on my mind?

"Dude, what's going on with you?" Chris asked quietly in the locker room. Drew had joined us, an equally concerned look on his face.

"It's nothing," I brushed them off, not wanting to get into the details. I opened my locker loudly, trying to indicate the conversation was over. 

"This doesn't have to do with that girl, does it?" Drew asked, wagging his eyebrows. I scowled at him.

"Oooh, what girl?" Chris chimed in.

"This chick he has class with, he's with her all the time," Drew revealed to Chris, completely outing me.

"Not all the time," I said, suddenly feeling defensive. I didn't want the guys to think I wasn't focused. Hockey was important to me. The only problem was that Jo was climbing my ladder of priorities. 

 "Sure man, whatever you say," Drew joked, nudging Chris. They both walked away, finally taking the hint that I didn't want to talk about it.

Something about talking about girls in a locker room always felt weird to me. If I'm going to talk about feelings, I'd much rather do it over bong rips. 

I grabbed my stuff and headed out to my car. I felt the urge to text Jo and see what she was up to. And if I could join.

C: Just finished practice. Whatcha up to?

She replied almost immediately. 

Princess: Just resting, my brain is still scrambled

C: Perfect. Be there in 10

I didn't give her a chance to respond, partly in fear that she would say no. I just started my car and drove. 


I pulled up to Jo's apartment, sending a quick text to let her know I was here. Within seconds, she opened the door. She looked adorable as always, wearing grey sweatpants and an Eden Eagles hoodie. Mental note to give her mine later.

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