Furry Porn

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A/N: the photo is kinda what I imagine Jo's outfit to be. But not really. You get the idea. 

Jo's POV:

Walking into Colton's house was drastically different when the sun was out. 

First of all, there weren't hoards of people crowding your way. Without them, I could actually get a good look at the place. The floor plan was huge, with a large living room area connecting to a large kitchen. There were a few doors off the first floor, which I assumed were bathrooms and bedrooms.

Secondly, the place was actually clean. It didn't smell of spilled beer and body odor, but instead a clean, fresh scent. The floor looked freshly mopped, and every room looked neat and tidy.

Lastly, it was quiet. Like not a soul around quiet. 

"I usually do my work in my room, do you mind? Or we can sit somewhere else," Colton asked as we walked through the house.

I shook my head. "No, I don't want to disturb routine. We can do it in yours."

Colton snickered. "Well damn princess, if I had known it was this easy..."

I reached out and slapped his arm, my cheeks blushing bright red. He continued laughing, staring right down at my burning face.

"You look adorable all worked up like that, you know," Colton chuckled, using his hand to push my hair off my shoulders. We stood like that, locked in on each other's gaze, until we heard a door open. 

I jumped back quickly.

A man I recognized came out from what I assume to be one of the bottom floor bedrooms. I remembered he was Drew, Colton's friend.

He was shirtless and had messy bed head, telling me he just woke up. He looked at us and chuckled.

"Well look who's back," he joked, shooting Colton a look. I blushed. "Jo, right?"

I shook my head. "Nice to meet you, well, again," I mumbled. Colton laughed lightly besides me.

"Well I'll leave you guys to it, don't wanna be known as the cockblock," Drew said, turning to open the fridge.

"Oh no, no no no," I stumbled over my words. "Not that. We have a class together. We're just doing work, that's all." God, if I could ever shut the fuck up, now would be the time.

Colton looked at me, amused. I could hear Drew chuckling in the kitchen, and I had enough of the embarrassment. I speed-walked towards the stairs. 

"I'm gonna go," I muttered. Good one, Jo.


Colton was sat at his desk, while I sprawled on his floor. He offered his bed, but I felt bad messing up his neatly done sheets. I will say, for a man, Colton was relatively clean.

Each time I had seen his room so far - which was completely by accident, for the record - it was always clean, with a normal amount of clutter on the desks and in the closet. Other than that, his bed was always made, his floor clean, and I had even gotten a peak at the bathroom attached to his room to see that was clean as well.

I was working on my LSAT studies while Colton worked on our essay for class. He had completely forgotten about it until I asked. Lazy ass.

I didn't want to work on mine in front of Colton, as it had somehow taken a more personal turn this weekend. That wasn't something I was ready to share just yet.

"I don't understand this," Colton grumbled, clearly annoyed. "If my fear isn't something I have to face every day, then how can I be managing it? It's a fear, for fucks sake." 

I laughed a bit at his frustration. It was good to see the golden boy have a flaw. 

"Well, what's the fear you're writing about?" I asked.

"My biggest fear is getting injured so I can't play hockey," he admitted. "I'm not that great at school, and I don't have a backup plan in mind, really. It's always just been about hockey."

I nodded, slightly surprised by his admission. I didn't expect him to be so open with me.

"Are there things you do to prevent this fear from happening? Like stretching, ice baths, that kind of thing?" I suggested. He sat for a minute, taking in my words.

"Princess, you're a genius," he finally grinned, like a lightbulb went off in his head. I laughed at his elated expression.

"Where did this princess business come from?" I asked, killed by curiosity. I thought it slipped out by mistake the first time he said it, but it kept coming up.

"I dunno, you kinda remind me of that princess," he said, shrugging. A grin tugged at the corner of his lips, his cheeks slightly flushing.

I laughed. "Which one?"

"The one with your hair," he said quietly, "Belle, I think? She's the one who ends up with that animal, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, but he turned into a prince at the end. There was no beastiality in that movie, unless there's another version I don't know about."

He laughed, loudly. I laughed along, not aware I was funny enough to evoke such a response. 

"No, no, but I'm sure someone somewhere has made one. Some furry, or something." This made both of us laugh harder, and I could feel tears prick at my eyes. 

"Oh, so this is what you think of me?" I said through my laughter. He looked at me from his chair, hunched over in fits of laughter as well. 

"Was the first thing I thought when I saw you."

This made both of us lose it. We sat there, doubled over in laugher, for what felt like eternity. Finally, we sobered up, and came back down.

"No, but for real, you remind me of her," Colton said, his tone suddenly serious. "She likes books, she's smart and witty, and she sees people for who they are," he said casually. Shooting me a grin, he added, "plus, she's gorgeous."

I felt my cheeks burn. That familiar knot in my stomach started to form, and I could feel my chest throbbing. Colton stared at me, and the curve of his lips told me he was enjoying watching me squirm. Under his words, under his gaze, under his touch...

"Well, better get back to it, princess," Colton said finally, breaking the silence with a cheeky grin. He turned back to his desk, and started typing away.

I sat there, trying to regain composure. And focus. Suddenly, this was feeling like a bad idea.


A/N: I got nothing more to add here. Lol. 

Anywho... what's everyone's Myers-Briggs personality type?

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