Uteri Smiles

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Jo's POV:

I don't think I'll ever be able to wrap my head around how many people these guys can fit into a house. Even though it was freezing outside, the downstairs felt like a sauna. People were packed in like sardines, standing shoulder to shoulder and making it impossible to move around. Just how it should be.

Colton had pushed us through the crowd and into the kitchen. 

"Want anything to drink?" he asked. I nodded, and handed him the cranberry juice and Tito's handle. He laughed.

"Easy enough," he said, and poured me a drink. I noticed he barely put any vodka in it. 

"Colton, please," I said, rolling my eyes and snatching the Tito's from him, filling my glass to the rim. 

He stared back at me, shocked. "Damn, princess, go ahead," he chuckled. 

I smiled, bringing the drink up to my lips and taking a sip. He stared at my mouth, watching as some cranberry juice trickled down my bottom lip. I saw his eyes grow dark, and I felt caught in his trance. 

Gently, he reached out his hand, using his thumb to wipe my lip. My stomach was in a frenzy, my entire body aching at his touch.

"Good job," he whispered. I could feel the panties Emma brought me start to soak.

Suddenly, his attention was pulled away by a guy clapping his shoulder, presumably a teammate. Colton turned to see who was behind him, and I took the opportunity to scan the room.

I barely recognized anyone. This was typical, now that I was a senior. Most of the people at these parties are freshmen and sophomores, too young to have been scarred yet by any guy on the team. Lucky them. 

I spotted my roommates in the corner of the living room, sitting on the couch and chatting with some of the guys, one of which were Drew and Sarah. It made me happy to see them getting along with Colton's friends. 

I walked over, wanting to spend some time with them. "Heyy," I greeted, waving a hand. Sam instantly grabbed me, pulling him to sit next to him. 

"Jo, you gotta hear this," Sam urged. "I think this girl is even cooler than I am."

Sarah laughed, shaking her head. "There's no way," she protested. "We've been sharing stories, and your friend Sam is insane."

"Sarah was an extra in Victorious," Sam pointed out.

"Sam told me how he brought fireworks to his high school graduation," Sarah retorted.

"Sarah once ran into Wendy Williams at a Chik-fil-A."

"Sam once lost his wallet in Korea, and got it mailed back to him here in Mass." 

"Sarah has a dog!" Sam yelled. We all stared at her. She shrugged meekly. 

"Oh, well we have a clear winner," Emma chuckled. "Sarah, you are infinitely cooler than all of us." 


I sat on the couch with Emma, Sam, and Nikki for a while. Drew and Sarah eventually left to go say hi to their other friends, leaving the four of us to our own devises. We started playing guessing games about everyone in the room, which led to a drinking game.

"Okay, I bet that girl over there is hooking up with #27 on the team," Nikki said, pointing, "but she doesn't know her best friend is secretly in love with her." She motioned to the guy standing behind the couple, awkwardly watching his friend flirt.

"Ohh, totally," Sam agreed eagerly. Emma and I nodded as well.

"Okay, drink!" Nikki cheered. That was the rule - whenever we got it right, we drank, Whenever we got it wrong, we drank.

Baby StepsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ